Race Lore
In alphabetical order, made by Talion
Any and all races should be capable of creating fertile offspring. Technically these are “Races”
which means they all belong to one species, which in biology, the definition of “Species” is: “a
category of living things that ranks below a genus, is made up of related individuals able to
produce fertile offspring, and is identified by a two-part scientific name.”
This means you can be as creative as you’d like and make hybrids if you so wish.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Angels, the most kind and fair of the races. They are most known for being messengers of the
Gods due to the Gods being unable to do much themselves in the realm of mortals. They fight
demons, believing that they threaten the power of angels and are too sinful to be worth
anything. Angels are the only life Gods may create now, and they are only allowed to make ten at
a time due to the Gods’ “Anti-Life Act” after the rules of Sensus were made. They are not
mindless, but they are to always follow the word of the God who summoned them, yet seem to go
out of their way to kill inherently evil races when they see them.
Angels are supposed to follow their God’s every whim. Especially the first ten angels. The first
ten a God makes are known as “Special Angels” and become fallen angels just by refusing the word
of their God. However, the kin of the first ten of a God are not forced to follow the word of a
deity, but also lack in the strength and magic of their parental figures.
They are most well known to be in the realm, Heaven. They usually are capable of telling whether
an individual of the neutral races is going to go once dead just by one glance. All of them
though are capable of flight and using a combination of holy and healing magic. Most angels are
different, having entirely different biology from one another unless the God that made them
intentionally similar. All angels can interbreed with one another.
Not much history is known about angels other than sometimes a God sends them to the mortal world
to help, kill, or any task their God asks of them truthfully.
Fairies, known as the most beautiful creatures that don’t relate much to the Gods since their
creation. They are more often than not, really small, being around five to six inches tall on
average. Tallest fairy to ever exist, Corterer, was three foot tall, though it has said they
were part gnome, though that has yet to be proven. Fairies are more often than not being tricked
by their even smaller more mischievous counterpart, the pixies.
Fairies are most well known for healing and putting others to sleep. They are often at war
against the pixies due to their counterpart’s mischief. All fairies are capable of flying and
changing their size to make themselves taller, but they can always revert back to their standard
size. (5 feet tall max, 130 lbs at max weight.) The can also adjust… other parts.
Most recent news of fairies is that they are in truth on the verge of extinction. They are not
made for combat like many other races, some are captured by other races, some are eaten by
goblins or trolls, their main predators, and others are bullied and sometimes killed by pixie
mischief. Those that survive are the strongest and wisest of their kind, natural selection
killing all but the best fairies.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Arachne are spider humanoids that are the
descendants of dark elves and dwarves, evolved
and traditionalized to be the highly intelligent
underground force of nature. Arachne were
created through their ancestors being trapped in
caves for millennia due to a dragon attack.
Luckily, they are able to shift into an even
more humanoid form, like Amphibian-Men.
Arachne are supernatural in strength,
durability, and agility. They all are capable of
creating webs that are stronger than duct tape
and they can walk on walls. Arachne are equipped
with venomous teeth and are immune to poison.
Arachne aren’t as well known as most of the
other races due to their extremely small
population, being only in Notoriety. Outsider
Arachne or traitors are hunted by Notoriety to
the point of them not existing, this is also to
make sure that angels don’t kill much of them,
as angels are known to not attack species/races
of low population.
Arachne have no regard for sentience, those who they let live are taken
and utilized for various purposes.
They are known to have a highly cannibalistic
nature and to be mostly carnivores. Arachne have
only been recently discovered, so much of this
is unknown to other races.
Arachne hierarchy is dictated through death
battles, if the king is killed then the killer
is now the king. They have a belief that they
most always follow the word of the powerful,
Created by @milkythedude
The beastfolk are one of the more uncommon races to stumble across but they are still around. Their
exact origins are unknown but they;re believed to have come from animal magic in one way or another.
Some believe they come from a clan of mages that mixed themselves with animals for an experiment or
just to attempt to enhance their capabilities.
They are generally distinguished by: their fur in specific places, some of them have hooves but not
all, animal snouts (also not common), pretty much every example is unique from the last. Some are
more human-like and don't exert any special abilities while others are the exact opposite. Some
examples are: breathing underwater, short flight, night vision etc.
Their weaknesses are pretty much the same as those of average humans though due to their more
nomadic culture they are more susceptible to being very dependent and influenced by nature, by
things like droughts, floods, wildfires etc.
Male specimens are around 5’8 while females have an average stature of 5’2. Males weigh on average
175 lbs. While females around 156 lbs. They exert a very outgoing personality most of the time and
rarely are there specimens that would be considered introverts but of course there are some.
Generally they are very alike with normal humans.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Changelings are a shapeshifting race, first found in the dark forest. There have been
numerous changeling propaganda, such as them stealing and replacing unprotected babies
with their own. However, this has only happened in a few cases. In truth, changelings
believe themselves to be morally right. They replace babies that have passed away
without being found by their parents yet to spare them from grief, it also spares the
changelings from responsibility, so they believe it to be a win-win.
Changelings are a quiet bunch that say nothing, though they can tell who and who isn’t
also a changeling. Due to their shape-shifting it is too hard to figure out their
history from others, being found in practically every kingdom. A changeling’s true forms
have pale skin, colorless eyes, and silvery white hair. Changelings have also been known
to be “perfect assassins”. Their true form is revealed when touching gold.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Demons are malevolent supernatural entities
with many sub-races. Demons are inherently
evil or malevolent, seeking to cause harm
and suffering. They are often attributed
with supernatural powers, such as the
ability to possess humans. Their appearance
can vary greatly, from monstrous and
grotesque to more human-like or even
alluring. They might have horns, wings,
claws, or other non-human features. They are
incapable of dying from old age.
Demon Sub-Races: (Powerful to least
Fallen Angels:
Fallen angels are essentially angels who, at
some point, chose to rebel against their God
(Which practically never happens). This
rebellion often stems from pride,
disobedience, or a desire for power. As a
result of their rebellion, they are cast out
of Heaven, losing their original state of
grace and becoming associated with evil or
darkness. The powers once gifted to them by
their God are taken away and replaced with
unholy abilities slightly weaker to what
they had. Fallen angels do not count as one
of the God’s angels anymore, allowing them
to create another.
Their motivations can vary, from a desire
for revenge against the Gods to a desire to
rule over their own domain or simply to sow
chaos and destruction. Their appearance can
also vary, from beautiful and alluring
(reflecting their angelic origins) to
monstrous and terrifying.
Personifications of Sin:
Personifications of sin are the
representation of sins or vices as distinct
characters or figures, often with symbolic
appearances and behaviors. They have magic
usually relating to their sin. The
personifications of sin have a hierarchy of
their own where the Seven Deadly Sins are
above the Ten Mortal Sins, however, those
who are a part of both (Envy and Sloth)
reign as the most powerful of the
personifications of sin.
The Seven Deadly Sins Include: Pride, Greed,
Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth
The Ten Mortal Sins Include: Apostasy,
Heresy, Indifferentism, Presumption,
Despair, Envy, Sloth, Scandal, Superstition,
and Sacrilege
The Personifications of Sin are the only
rank of demons that angels and God’s refuse
to fight with, being that they are the
helpers of The God of the Afterlife, and
help set who goes to heaven or hell. The Ten
Mortal Sins make sure that mortals believe
in a God, and those who don’t are damned,
making them being the only demons the Gods
Favor, while the Seven Deadly Sins are
favored by the God of the Afterlife.
Archdevils are powerful, high-ranking devils
who rule over the leftovers of Hell that the
Personification of Sins didn’t want or care
to take for themselves. They represent the
epitome of evil, cunning, and tyranny.
Archdevils are masterful strategists and
manipulators, overseeing complex
bureaucracies and engaging in intricate
power struggles with each other. Each
archdevil typically possesses unique
abilities and domains of influence,
reflecting their individual personalities
and roles within the infernal hierarchy.
Archdevils are inherently evil beings,
embodying cruelty, corruption, and a desire
for domination. Archdevils usually have a
distinct appearance that reflects their
personality and domain. They might have
demonic features like horns, wings, or
claws, but often also possess a regal or
imposing presence.
The Sinners:
Upon death, individuals who commit grave
sins or live a life of vice transform into
demonic beings. This transformation is seen
as a consequence of their actions and a
reflection of their inner corruption. This
transformation involves a loss of humanity,
with the sinner taking on demonic traits in
appearance, behavior, and nature, while
keeping or gaining traits that are related
to their life and death. They gain abilities
related to their death and life as well,
putting them above the hellborn.
This includes imps, hellhounds, and
succubi/incubi. They are fundamentally weak
compared to any other demon sub-race. These
creatures however do have the potential to
become archdevils, however it’s extremely
rare and unlikely.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Dragonfolk, the tamed dragons that counter their feral counterparts. Dragonfolk
start as feral dragons at birth, however, when they are tamed they gain sentience
and a bond to their trainer. After their trainer dies (if their trainer isn’t a
parent) they have gained all this knowledge and become one of what is now known as
the dragonfolk. There are many kinds of dragonfolk, one of every kind of species,
all of which capable of making a human form once tamed.
Dragonfolk are a powerful race, born with strong magic. Due to them being basically
at the top of the food chain, there are less of them than humans, but still more or
less common. Most common dragonfolk are capable of being killed by skillful humans
or other races, but it all really just depends. Most dragonfolk have lost the
ability to transform into a pure dragon if they were conceived in human form. It is
now extremely rare for dragonfolk to be capable of turning into a powerful dragon.
Dragonfolk and the Arachne are each other's nemesis. Dragons were the root that
created the Arachne when they attacked a kingdom of Dwarves. The dwarves ran to the
mines, filled with a stronger amount of magic. Once the cave system was destroyed by
the dragons all remaining dwarves were stuck in the shafts. They evolved into
Arachne a millennia later.
Dragonfolk always resemble their dragon form, where it’s the scales on their human
form, some mark, or some other obvious feature. It all differs from dragon to
dragon. To figure out more on dragons read species lore.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Dwarves, a race with the hands of a craftsman yet the stubbornness of a donkey.
It is said dwarves tend to handle their booze ten times better than any other,
and sometimes even work better while drunk. Dwarves amass metals and any who
have been trained can tell the quality of the work or material with a simple
look over.
Dwarves are smaller and broader than humans, standing at around four to five
feet tall. They are obviously on the smaller side. Dwarves seem to have an
easier time mining, having the easiest time finding good enough materials to
craft with. Dwarves have also been known for their racism against Elves and vice
versa, starting fights and wars against them.
Dwarves are cut into “sub-races,” though there aren’t many physical differences.
Saying “Dwarf” as your character’s race is probably good enough for us to know
what you mean.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Elves, one of the more agile and charming races. Elves have been seen as
light-hearted, kind, etc. Though that is extremely stereotypical and will
likely get you punched in the throat. Elves are known to be a beautiful,
human-sized race. They are graceful, yet frail, being naturally slender.
The most well known trait of the elves, their pointed ears, disgust the most
racist dwarves. Elves have gone against dwarves many times in the past,
though it had normally ended in stalemate. They call truce on eachother,
believing it to be a waste of time for both sides due to them not being able
to break through either side or gain an advantage.
Elves usually possess quickly passing passions, and being easy to manipulate
their emotions. All elves have longevity, living far longer than any other
race besides Demons or Angels. Elves are capable of sharing history like no
other race, being able to bring knowledge to each generation.
Elf Sub-Races:
Elves are known to have many subraces, each being extremely different from
the other. Sometimes it is questionable if they are considered a race of
their own.
Dark Elves:
Commonly called the most evil of all Elf subraces, discriminated against
even by other elves. They are known to be rather primitive, having dark
brown skin and black hair. Dark Elves have a history of supporting Demon
Lords and Gods that have questionable morals.
Moon Elves:
Also called Silver Elves or Gray Elves, these are the most common of elven
races. These elves are rather tall, standing around human height, if not
just a tad bit more. Their skin is pale with an icy blue hue. Their eyes are
most commonly green or blue.
Moon Elves are the most impulsive and more likely to act on emotions. They
have a strong distaste for complacency or isolation. Moon elves enjoy
travel, exploring the wilderness for what it is. Due to them usually being
extroverted they tend to make friendships rather easily.
Few Moon Elves stay in one place for long, they prefer to always be moving.
There are no kingdoms specifically ruled by moon elves due to this, as they
care too much for adventure to give it up.
Sun Elves:
Sun Elves, also known as High Elves or Gold Elves, are a subrace of elves in
many fantasy settings. They are often depicted as wise, powerful, and aloof,
with a strong connection to magic and the sun.
Sun Elves are typically taller and more slender than humans, with pointed
ears and graceful features. They often have fair skin, golden or silver
hair, and eyes that can be blue, green, or gold. Some Sun Elves have skin
that shimmers with a faint golden light.
Sun Elves are often portrayed as a highly civilized and cultured race, with
a deep appreciation for art, music, and literature. They are also skilled in
magic and warfare, and are often seen as leaders among the elves. Sun Elves
are often aloof and disdainful of other races, whom they consider to be less
Wood Elves:
Wood Elves, also known as Wild Elves or Forest Elves, are a subrace of
elves, often depicted as being more attuned to nature and less interested in
the affairs of other races than their High Elf or Sun Elf cousins.
Wood Elves are typically shorter and more lightly built than other elves,
with brown or green eyes and hair that ranges from blonde to brown. They
often have tanned skin and may have natural camouflage abilities.
Wood Elves are often portrayed as being more rustic and tribal than other
elves, with a deep connection to the forests they inhabit. They are skilled
hunters and trackers, and are often fiercely protective of their homes. Wood
Elves are often suspicious of outsiders and may be hostile towards those who
trespass on their lands.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Gnomes are small humanoids, smaller than dwarves and often with
cheerful, expressive faces. They are known for their love of nature and
often have features that reflect this, such as earthy skin tones, hair
colors that blend with natural surroundings, and bright, curious eyes.
Gnomes are often portrayed as being cheerful, optimistic, and inventive.
They have a deep love of life and a strong connection to the natural
world. Gnomes are also known for their curiosity and their love of
learning. They are always eager to explore new things and to discover
new knowledge.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Goblins are typically small humanoids,
often shorter than dwarves or halflings.
They often have large, pointed ears,
sharp teeth, and bulbous noses. Their
skin color varies but is often green,
grey, or yellowish. Goblins tend to be
thin and wiry, though some depictions
emphasize a more hunched or grotesque
Goblins are greedy and obsessed with
acquiring wealth and possessions. They
are willing to resort to trickery or
theft to get what they want. They have a
reputation for being mischievous and
enjoying practical jokes, though these
pranks can sometimes be harmful or
destructive. In many settings, goblins
are depicted as cowardly and likely to
flee from danger unless they have a
significant advantage. While often
chaotic, some portrayals of goblins
emphasize their industriousness and
skill in crafting or engineering, albeit
often with shoddy or unpredictable
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Halflings are small, typically around 3 feet tall, making them
significantly shorter than humans. Despite their height, they are
proportioned like smaller humans, not like children. A distinctive
feature is their hairy feet, which are often tough and leathery,
allowing them to go without shoes. They tend to have round, cheerful
faces and often have a youthful appearance even in old age.
Halflings are known for their love of good food, good company, and a
comfortable home. They value peace and quiet and are generally
content with simple pleasures. While they love their homes, many
halflings also possess a strong sense of curiosity and a desire to
explore the world. This leads some to take up adventurous lives.
Halflings are generally practical and down-to-earth. They are not
prone to grand ambitions or flights of fancy. They are typically
good-natured and friendly, though they can be fierce when their
friends or homes are threatened.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Ah, the most basic of races. They are normally not born with
magic and so on, however they are capable of any job. I doubt
any more needs to be said other than this race being the most in
Created by @twigsprig
Abilities: All Kitsune’s possess the following:
Magic Affinity
Transformation (Fox Form)
Some develop further powers, though the older and more plentiful the tails of a Kitsune, the more
likely they are to develop such abilities. Their magic usually involves trickery, illusion or
otherwise bewitching people. Only particularly old Kitsune’s tend to develop any sort of psychic,
elemental or destructive magics.
Weaknesses: Can be mortally wounded, and are more fond of mischief than outright malevolence. They
can be tricked themselves, have a weak spot for shiny things and deals which seem interesting, and
aren’t known for brute strength, relying on trickery and leveling playing fields.
Race/Species Build: Between 5’5-6’5, they tend to be tall and slender, but their size can range,
just like humans. They are stronger, and more agile than a human- But don’t boast supernatural
strength or speed. They usually have fox-like features, even in human form- Either markings or
cat-like eyes that give them away, if the ears and tail/tails weren’t obvious enough.
Average Personality: Mischievous, all Kitsune’s have an innate desire to gather knowledge. They are
prone to moodiness, tend to hold grudges and are known for both their tendency to both trick, and
help people. They don’t have political or racial qualms with anyone, though ironically they don’t
seem to enjoy other Kitsune’s presence.
Race/Species History: Some say Kitsune’s were born as messengers from a dead God, while others
simply believe them a distant relative of Beastkin. Whatever the belief- They are one of the first
races to settle the mountain ranges of Kimowara. Not known for settling- They’ve been wanderers
since the early days, and tend to find other Kitsunes competitors. Thus, despite their nomadic
nature- They aren’t known to gather or travel together.
Created by @hardimei
Kobolds. The small cold-blooded, scaly, reptile beings. Kobolds are very interesting creatures other
than being cute or mischievous. Kobolds are also pretty similar compared to goblins. There are many
different types of kobolds but we'll keep to the basics of what they are, look like, what they eat,
like, and ect.
Kobolds like many things. Hunting, gold and jewelry/gems, music, etc but there's plenty of things
they hate. One of those things being made fun of because of their height. Another thing kobolds
absolutely hate are goblins. Kobolds and goblins generally do not get along, often viewing each
other as competition for territory and resources, with goblins usually considered the dominant
force, potentially even bullying or subjugating kobolds due to their smaller size. Both races often
inhabit similar environments like caves or underground areas, leading to conflict over territory.
Goblins are usually seen as stronger and more aggressive, potentially leading them to exploit or
even enslaving kobolds.
Just and almost like most beings, they are capable of using magic or just fire in general like
dragons. So yeah, they can breathe fire and can probably manipulate other elements like ice or
lightning. Kobolds are also naturally flexible and quick on their legs. They have pretty good senses
that would even be better than an elves. They can sometimes be naturally a fighter too.
Kobolds can differ in height. Most kobolds you'd meet or see would most likely be 4 down to 3 feet.
They are more like mini dragons
Kobolds are omnivorous and eat a variety of plants and animals, but they will eat almost anything
when they're desperate like bones and bark. Since Kobolds are cold-blooded, they don't need to eat
for days if they've been in a warm place.
Kobolds typically live in caves or underground like some goblins but you could also find them in
many places as well like forest, towns, and other places.
Kobolds can live for about 100+ years (120 max). Kobolds, just like goblins are known to be able to
mate with literally anything, especially the females. The female's body can sorta, fit their mate if
that makes sense. They can lay multiple eggs and are very fertile so be warned. Kobolds also have
the biggest birth rate compared to other races. An even bigger warning would be mating season 💀and
for them that's around spring and summer time, just depends. Both males and females can go into heat
and can get pretty aggressive towards their mate especially if you don't give them what they want.
They may nibble you or just be very clingy and annoying so your best options would be to ignore them
and let it pass or give them what they want. Now, kobolds can and will mate outside of mating season
as well with their mates. Male kobolds can sometimes either have slits like a female's vagina and
have their genitals and all that on the inside OR sometimes they will have their balls out like a
humans or beastkin. They also have pretty long tongues
Before our last topic, kobolds are very intelligent and creative creatures unlike dumb goblins.
Kobolds know many skills like how to cook, do chores so they make better maids, they know how to
hunt, how to heal someone with herbs, they also understand other languages easily, and some are born
warriors no matter if they are male or female. The females are also great mothers and very caring.
Created by @admiralmoses
Originating from rituals developed by those investigating magic beyond death, the Malachim are tied
to magic of the afterlife. By undergoing rituals that aren't always successful, people can try for a
small chance to become a Malachim. The Malachim vary widely, from those who just have wings, to
those who are known as "Lightbringer Malachim" the pure form with wings, a halo, and strong magic
granted to them. However, they are unable to be resurrected or come back to life after death, having
channeled post-mortal power in life.
Powers: Malachim do not die from old age, some have wings for flight, and some have their magic
powered up. All are optional depending on fc and player discretion, but does have to be balanced.
Unable to be revived if they die
They are weaker than angels, and will lose to them with all else being equal.
Their build is variable depending on base species/race, they can have wings or halo if desired.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Orcs are generally humanoid in shape, though often larger
and more muscular than humans. Most orcs tend to have
prominent tusks or fangs and green or greenish-grey skin
with few exceptions. They are given brutish features, such
as sloping foreheads, heavy brows, and wide noses,
emphasizing their aggressive nature. Orcs are seen as less
intelligent due to their often outbursts of aggression and
lack of education.
Orcs are frequently depicted as inherently violent and
aggressive, with a strong emphasis on warfare and combat.
They often live in tribal societies with strong hierarchies
and a focus on strength and dominance. Orcs are more often
than not depicted as evil, yet some have high values of
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Pixies are typically depicted as
tiny humanoids, often only a few
millimeters tall. They usually have
delicate, insect-like wings,
allowing them to fly. A common
feature is their pointed ears,
similar to those of elves. Pixies
often have a childlike or youthful
appearance, with bright eyes and
cheerful expressions.
Pixies are known for their love of
pranks and jokes, especially those
of darker relation. They are often
associated with forests, meadows,
and other natural environments. They
are often shy and elusive,
preferring to stay hidden from
humans. Pixies are able to feed
themselves through the misfortune of
others. Pixies are the rivals of
fairies, willing to dismember them
for little reason. They can also
manipulate their size similar to
Created by @admiralmoses
The Thalassans are a powerful maritime civilization, divided into two subraces: the technologically
adept Mechanikoi and the magically inclined Thaumaturgoi.
Reference Species:
Vedalken(D&D/MTG) (usually easier but veer into steampunk a bit much)
Chiss (Star Wars)(harder due to the nature of Star Wars’ technology)
Less inclined towards technology, the Thaumaturgoi rely more on their innate magic and the natural
resources of the sea.
Magic Beings: Thaumaturgoi are gifted in the arcane arts, capable of manipulating the
fundamental forces of the universe.
Aquatic Nature: They can survive in water indefinitely, both saltwater and freshwater, they also
have enhanced senses of hearing and vision for living underwater.
Nonspecific Mages: Their magic is versatile, encompassing both destructive and constructive
applications, allowing them to control tides, communicate with marine life, summon storms, as
well as various offshoots of this kind of power.
The Mechanikoi combine traditional technology with magical enchantments, such as ships that can sail
against the wind or phase through storms.
Practical Magic: Their magic is more practical based and less purely defensive or offensive,
usually enhancing their physical abilities or allowing them to enhance or control other things.
Tinkerers: The Mechanikoi are intelligent and innovative, and are renowned for their engineering
prowess, crafting advanced machinery and weaponry, they excel in shipbuilding and arcane
Magical Backlash: Overuse or misuse of their powers could lead to unintended consequences, such
as physical or mental exhaustion, or even magical backlash.
Vulnerability to Anti-Magic: As magical beings, they could be susceptible to spells and effects
that suppress or nullify magic.
Emotional Instability: The raw power of magic can be volatile and difficult to control, leading
to emotional outbursts and erratic behavior for those who delve too deep or those who lack
connection to reality.
Physical Toll: The constant manipulation of magic can take a toll on their physical bodies,
making them more susceptible to illness and injury.
Moral Corruption: The pursuit of greater power can lead to a dark path, tempting them to use
their abilities for selfish or destructive purposes.
Hubris and Arrogance: Their reliance on technology and logic can lead to overconfidence and a
sense of superiority. This can make them underestimate their opponents and make strategic
Vulnerability to Arcane Disruption: While they may be skilled in engineering and technology,
they are often less adept at understanding and countering magic. Powerful magic users can
disrupt their crafts and devices.
Physical Limitations: They are still bound by the limitations of their land adapted body. They
usually lack the agility or endurance of other races, and the aquatic abilities of the
pure-blooded Thalassan, only able to stay in water for a few hours at most.
Isolation and Intolerance: Their focus on logic and reason can sometimes lead to a lack of
empathy and understanding for those who think differently. This can isolate them from others and
make them resistant to new ideas.
Physical description:
Character Specs: Ages normally, relative to humans with exception for those who augment themselves
magically. Max age is 120, but several are said to have lived much longer. Interbreeding between the
two subraces produces either subrace at random.
Appearance: The Thaumaturgoi often have a sleek, almost ethereal appearance. Their eyes often
shimmer with otherworldly light. They are also more adapted to life in the deep sea, with gills as
well as webbed hands and feet.
Attire: They typically wear form-fitting garments made from lightweight, water-resistant materials.
Their clothing is often adorned with intricate patterns and symbols, imbued with magical properties.
Many Thaumaturgoi also wear jewelry made from shells, pearls, and other marine materials.
Appearance: A bit terrestrial in appearance, they possess gills left over from their aquatic
heritage that allow them to live in water for a few hours at a time. They're usually stronger due to
having more physical jobs.
Attire: They often wear leather or cloth garments, reinforced with metal or other durable materials.
Their clothing is designed to protect them from the elements and the dangers of their work.
Average Personalities:
The Mechanikoi are industrious and inventive, always seeking new ways to improve their technology.
They are often found in workshops, laboratories, and shipyards, tinkering with machines and
conducting experiments. They value knowledge and innovation, and they are constantly striving to
push the boundaries of Thalassan achievement.
Overly rational: A logical and analytical approach to problem-solving characterizes their
culture. They value efficiency, precision, and empirical evidence.
Analytical: Mechanikoi are highly logical and prefer to approach problems with a systematic,
data-driven approach.
Focused and Determined: They are incredibly focused on their goals and will work tirelessly to
achieve them.
Reserved and Practical: Mechanikoi tend to be more reserved and focused on tangible results,
often prioritizing efficiency over emotion.
Curious and Inquisitive: They possess a strong desire to understand the world around them,
leading to scientific and technological advancements.
The Thaumaturgoi are typically calm and contemplative, spending much of their time meditating,
studying ancient texts, or performing rituals. They are deeply connected to the natural world and
often seek solitude in serene locations, such as the shores of Lake Dynamis.
Spiritual Connection: They usually possess a deep reverence for the natural world and a strong
connection to the spiritual realm define their culture. They often seek enlightenment and strive
to understand the mysteries of existence.
Passionate and Intense: Thaumaturgoi are deeply passionate about magic and often become consumed
by their studies and practice.
Creative and Imaginative: They possess a vivid imagination and are skilled at thinking outside
the box.
Impulsive and Unpredictable: Their intense emotions can sometimes lead to impulsive decisions
and unpredictable behavior.
Spiritual and Mystical: They have a deep connection to the spiritual realm and often seek to
understand the mysteries of the universe.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Tieflings are fundamentally humanoid, sharing a similar
build and stature with humans. Their most distinctive
traits are a result of their infernal ancestry, which
can manifest in various ways:
Horns: These can vary in shape and size, from small and
subtle to large and dramatic, resembling those of rams,
goats, or other horned creatures.
Tail: A prehensile tail, usually around 4 to 5 feet
Eyes: Often solid colors like red, black, white, silver,
or gold, lacking a visible pupil.
Skin Tone: While some tieflings have human-like skin
tones, many exhibit reddish hues, ranging from deep
crimson to subtle russet.
Other Features: Other possible traits include pointed
teeth, a faint scent of sulfur, or subtle scales.
Tieflings often grapple with their infernal heritage,
leading to internal conflicts and a strong sense of
independence. They tend to be naturally charismatic and
persuasive, sometimes bordering on manipulative. Due to
their ancestry, tieflings often face prejudice and
mistrust from other races. Despite their infernal
connection, tieflings are not inherently evil. They can
be of any alignment, choosing their own path in life.
Amphibian-Men (Triton)- (Standard Class Amphibian-Men)
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
The story of amphibian men started at the birth of Mwura. The God wanted a populous that
shared the same love and affection for water as they did. As such, from the water, Mwura
raised an island, Arora, with men and women that consider themselves the descendants of
water itself. Amphibian men are excellent inhabitants of the water, often capturing and
selling overpopulated species of the sea.
Amphibian-Men are all at least trained in one weapon due to their lack of population. They
are all capable of manipulating small amounts of water at once and breathing underwater,
They are split between two classes, deformed and standard. Standard class are known for
being in the shallow parts of the sea, mainly around their mainland, while the deformed
class look stronger and more like a monster due to being evolved to handle the bottom of the
ocean. Despite their huge differences they see each other as equals even though there are
far more of the standard class. Deformed class are known to be stronger than orcs, faster as
well. They tend to have a shorter life span though. Every triton has the ability to change
their look to seem more human.
Their history has been enshrouded from lies at the very beginning by the first of the
amphibian-men, proclaiming themselves as king after “creating” the necklace that was able to
control every body of water in the world. However, this was not true, the necklace came from
divine origin, specifically due to the defeat of Mwura. Sensus through Mwura’s soul weapon
in the realm of the mortals, hoping one day his son would return, forgiven for breaking
their rules.
Created by @ghoulishhopkins
Trolls are large and physically
powerful. Some trolls have the
ability to regenerate lost limbs
or heal from injuries quickly.
Their intelligence can vary
greatly, from brutish and
unintelligent to cunning and
even wise. They might live in
mountains, caves, forests, or
even under bridges.
Trolls enjoy others' pain, going
out of their way to harm others,
even those in their own race.