Kingdoms of Sildraven


Owned by @noakami890


Somewhere in the large sea sits an island amassed with food and animals. There, a kingdom was founded of amphibious men and women, those of which not wanting to stand besides the dragonfolk. This kingdom would be known as Arora, their first leader being an amphibian man who had helped create an enchanted necklace that would make anyone the strongest of their kind, even being able to control water. This necklace would go inside of the wearer becoming one with the owner until they died, only then appearing back onto their neck. Anyone with the necklace was prophesized as a God, being their first leader reincarnated.


The kingdom of Arora was created to side step the rules of other kingdoms. Here you aren't just born into a class and stuck there for the rest of your life. Once born in Arora it's as though you're rich, given plentiful amounts of food which some other kingdoms would prove scarce. The creator of Arora wanted a place where his people could be free without being of slave class. Though some may be laborers they get more food than those who do not work as intensely. Soldiers here are taught discipline through starving while to extreme exercises and using a sword. The creator of the kingdom first wanted nothing to do with other kingdoms, however their lack of metals and so on made it hard. Without metals they'd only have armor made of leather and weapons made from sticks and stones, which some do to this day. This is relatively a weaker kingdom, however everyone born here has at least had a month of training with swords and spears, to make up for their lack of materials for the weaponry. Many of their homes are made from wood. Replanting a tree everytime they cut one down to prevent deforestation.


Arora has had a large amount of Elven-folk come to live with them since the creation of the kingdom, both being seen almost as equals to one another. Of course there were more amphibious folk than on.

To be exact, there are 19,571 people living here.


PA king is chosen, not through bloodline, but intelligence. Those being related to the kings before are treated as nobles. A new king is made through testing those who wish to run for it, however to run for king you must be born in the kingdom. The civilians of which wanted to be king will take tests on whether they can read, write, do simple mathematics, solve economical issues, and what they'd do as their king during a potential war. The choice of getting to be king is given to by the oldest family member of the last king that isn't participating in the tests. If there is no family member of the old king that abides there will be eight amphibian-men, one elf, and one person of a random race that's in the minority to vote on which of the potential kings they want that has passed the tests. Being the reason for an elf and another minority judge being there is to make sure to speak up for their races. A king needs eight or more approvals from the randomly selected judges.


Arora is known for its food and thread production. With the large population of sheep, wool is the easiest material for clothing to get there. They trade thread to Lyladon for more money to improve their economy.


Religion in Arora is a sensitive topic. The biggest religion here is called Lagua, known to spread the good word of Mwura. The people of the church are to donate to the poor at least once a month to make sure to help people they can and give them at least basic living conditions.


Owned by @paromora


Cempasúchil is a kingdom that focuses on conquering all other kingdoms with the end goal of peace. Believing if everyone falls under one kingdom many wars will be stopped. They reside in the desert making its kingdom full of hardened warriors who value strength and respect. The kingdoms Queen, Lockjaw, is the best example of that with her past of being a gladiator.

The kingdom never lets anything go to waste and will fight until their dying breath making them formidable foes.

Since they've conquered many territories the kingdoms population is a mixing pot but the original occupants were dragons and other desert based races.

Governance and Society


The Queen Lockjaw rules, others are welcome to challenge her but it rarely happens and no ones ever won. She maintains order and delegates tasks to trusted individuals


Since they started as a smaller desert kingdom there wasn't much of a difference since everyone was more focused on surviving. That kept up due to the queen's insistence, something about following a dream. So the only difference is what each person gathers themselves since it also reflects their strength.

The people value strength since they're kingdom and queen were built off of it. Strength to survive the desert, to stop a war, to win a war and so on. So strength and how one uses it are the people's values. They also value respect and the dead, believing they're past loved ones deserve respect and that everything deserves at least basic respect as another being. This came about due to the grueling desert life, they had to value everything they had and respect how things work, to the smallest desert mouse to the largest monster. The desert took many lives in harsh ways so the people valued and honored them.


In a place with little to celebrate, it's people find every reason to celebrate

They celebrate life, death and even just making it through seasons because in the desert sometimes the only thing you have is hope and will. They do well in maintaining that and appreciating what they have.

As a result of the many celebrations all Cempasúchil citizens have some idea about how to dance, from ballroom to their own traditional and fun dances.


Its hard to earn the ire of its people. Hate isn't natural for them despite the constant wars but there are exceptions. Wastefulness is an easy way to earn the people of Cempasúchil's hatred


The kingdom thrives on war, trained from childhood(disguised as games for children) for battle. The kingdom is more than capable of defending itself and even then they desert, it's monsters and cruelty acts as a defense in itself.

Once a group of people born around the same time reach adulthood they are sent off for a month to survive in the desert on their own. To prove they can survive, to show strength and to harden them against it so if they ever need to fight there they can.

The Kingdom has an artifact that was originally in the hands of another kingdom they conquered that was made by the goddess of peace. The artifact was intended for peace negotiations and diplomacy. It creates a large forcefield, anyone outside cannot enter and anyone inside is unable to use magic. Within the forcefield its a beautiful vision of the ocean. Lockjaw saw the artifact as an opportunity and used it to win many battles. The kingdom still uses it but its a well kept secret.

State of affairs

Sometimes there are issues with assimilating conquered kingdoms to the culture but usually they are allowed to keep a majority of their original traditions and religions. They just have to follow the orders from the capital. The queen regularly makes rounds to all the other territories and has informants to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Foreign Relations

(How does your kingdom interact with others? At least what does it think of them? See the lore channels for information on the other kingdoms, or even ask their creators how they think your two kingdoms would interact.)

Foreign Relations aren't the best since Cempasúchil is more focused on conquering other kingdoms. While still able to trade goods and services tensions are high and everything is done with caution. They have one official allegiance with Skeleng.

Industry and Trades

The Kingdom just at its base is known for mercenary work and getting rid of monsters for other kingdoms since they're used to much harder monsters. Now they also have various trades from other territories they've conquered.

They do have their own livestock but don't really trade them since they were bred specifically for the desert and to help the kingdom when it was struggling most. They do import food and water during harsher seasons but it's rare they want to depend on others.

Cempasúchil has perfected the art of using all that's available To them. They've cultivated unique healing spices, its something unique to them and maximizes utility, reduces waste and avoids having to dedicate extra resources to extra farms. It also made the plants more hardy within the desert but hard to grow the specific type outside of the unforgiving desert.

They use these spices/seasonings in their food a lot so they have many delicacies.

Notable Geography

The kingdom sits on an oasis.

When the kingdom was smaller there was a civil war which would later cause the Queen to act and then become the ruler from then on.


Owned by @ghoulishhopkins


Egnia is a kingdom thriving in high temperatures, all of which living with a culture that can only be explained as a mixture of what we know as Egypt and Hispania. Bull fighting and wrestling being the favorite sports here, though river jousting and rowing are definitely up there. Egnia holds some of the world's finest painters and is by far one of the best at architecture, making a pyramid and temple for all of the first ten Gods, most of the powerful Gods, and even some of the minor Gods.


Egnia is a kingdom with multiple rulers, those who find themselves high in the ranks of military tend to have reign, meeting up with one another to discuss laws. This is a way to go without fear of the assassanation of a single ruler. There can only be twelve rulers at a time, all of which control different parts of the military and kingdom.


People here are extremely docile despite being run by the military. They worship the Gods all day when they aren't working, they siphon Gold from their land to trade gold to other kingdoms due to the large quantity of it they have. These people essentially live in luxury and live on a trading system instead of an endless pursuit of supply and demand. The people train for the Gods, work for the Gods, etc. The populace is held together by religion and the military that promises to protect them. They eat scorpions, cacti, bread, fish, fruit, and vegetables regularly. Despite their lack of fertile land they make the best of it, still studying agriculture. They also aren't a fan of outsiders


This kingdom is mostly desert, however their military works well with the limited resources they have. What they lack in wood and essential materials they gain back in minerals like gold and iron. By far one of the richest countries when talking about pure gold. Using the materials they have they can make weapons and they train themselves for protection.

State of affairs

At the moment they are in a state of bliss. The military is working hard to make sure outsiders do not come in illegally, some being executed on the spot for attempting. The people themselves work hard and live long happy lives.

Foreign Relations:

They refuse any outside kingdoms to have interaction with their people, military forces have been shown to be extremely strict on this matter, however they are willing to trade gold for other resources.

Industry and Trades

They are known for trading minerals, willing to trade with any kingdom so long as they respect them. They are neutral, not willing to close their trades to other kingdoms because they start a war.

Notable Geography

A lot of the kingdom is desert and what isn't desert is safari. Their area is extremely hot causing them to usually wear either long clothing to protect them from the sun or almost no clothing in an attempt to escape the extreme heat. They have few rivers, none of which big enough to see on the map, where the safari areas thrive.


Owned by @baronofcinder

Lore too big for this site see doc: Here

Krynith Empire

Owned by @rainy_chillax



The Empire was created by the Reeves' bloodline during a long forgotten war between Demi-Humans and Humanity, while the war was not won, they were able to hold a large patch of land and created an empire that thrived off magical use, the land around overflowing with arcane resources.


The Empire has a more than positive reputation throughout the land, mainly known for their more than desired output of arcane products by fellow rulers and business folk, but also the wonderful sights the land offers.The Empire itself is known to welcome those who wish to travel through their land, and usually stands on the sides in times of war, supplying both sides with products they wish to buy, they themselves hardly seek out conquest.

Governance and Society


The Empress

The main ruler of the land itself, whatever is dictated by her is the law of the land, though usually not following the rules of those she imposes onto others, none try to challenge her iron fist.

The Advisor

The third in command of the land, she is known to be the head of the towns 'police force', which is just consistent of units stationed across the land whenever she is not tending to the Empress's needs and desires. The Advisor is the more well received one, being seen as 'The man of the people' and other respectable titles.



The land is mainly populated by Beastkin folk, though other kind of Kin-folk, and Demi-humans can be found around the land, the people of the land strongly believing in the mindset of unity, giving the Empire a positive reputation when it comes to welcoming newcomers.



The Empire is known for its large Militia, making up for their strength with numbers and arcane prowess, when push comes to shove they are highly known for being able to dominate large areas, it is also known the the Empress herself can be found on most battlefields, her and her ruthless warriors tend to leave nothing but charred remains for the planet to claim if surrender isn't offered.

State of affairs


There aren't any affairs on the surface, however underground businesses such has traffickers and mafias seem to have a strong sense of competition towards the other, getting into conflicts constantly, however due to these conflicts mainly happening outside the gate walls, it is usually unheard of by the general population.

Foreign Relations


The Empress likes to keep her personal thoughts well hidden when it comes to other lands, instead desires TRUE alignment with those who share her own mindset, however she is more than willing to partake in business opportunities with any ruler.

Outsider Reputation

The Empire itself is well received, being seen as a great business associate with a powerful militia.

Industry and Trades

Overall Reputation

The Empire is well known for their cooperation and easy to work with business staff, and unbiased manner towards kingdoms, they care not for the outside affairs, no, they only truly seek how much one is willing to pay for product.

Output The Empire is known for Arcane output, from runes to potions, relics to enchanted weapons and armors, whatever is desired in the magical world can be found here.

Input The Empire is known for their desire for materials such as Steel and Iron, those with ore to make tools and weapons seeking trade can easily find a good deal with this Empire.



The terrain itself is well known to give the people of this land plenty of advantages to those who come into their land, trees that seemingly pierce the sky, and plenty of grassy fields to keep any who step in well hidden, the land is a forestry one, overgrown in areas that aren't heavily inhabited.

Rumored Landmarks

Rumors say that deep within the wildlands, there is a pond of Youth, and a Tree of life nearby one another, and those whom ever manage to find the grand tree, may take step into the everlasting pond, these rumors were made to justify the everlasting wildlife surrounding the lands.


Owned by @somberghoul @apo.the.cary

The Marsh Confederacy

Owned by @admiralmoses


The Marsh Confederacy is a diverse swamp kingdom full of tribes governing themselves for the most part. It faces challenges like internal strife, external threats, and environmental degradation. Despite these, the Confederacy strives to rebuild, protect its home, and secure a prosperous future. Key features include decentralized governance, diverse cultures, ancient magic, and a safe haven for lawlessness.


Among the first beings to inhabit the great swamp since the beginning of the world, the ogres rose to prominence. A particularly cunning and powerful ogre named Throngle united the various clans, establishing a loose rule of law. Under his reign, the swamp flourished. Trade routes were established, alliances forged, and a rich culture developed. The Whispering Woods, a place of ancient magic, and the Druid's Circle, a sacred site for nature worship, became symbols of the kingdom's prosperity.

However, a great war erupted, tearing the Confederacy apart. Powerful factions, driven by greed and ambition, battled for control of the swamp's resources. The war left the land scarred and the people divided. The once-mighty ogre clans fragmented, and many were driven to the brink of extinction. The Blighted Moors, a toxic wasteland, became a stark reminder of the war's destructive power. Dark forces, such as necromancers and demon summoners, emerged from the shadows, seeking to exploit the weakened Confederacy.

For centuries, the swamp was plunged into a dark age. The once-thriving cities and villages fell into ruin. The Great Market, once a bustling hub of trade, became a den of thieves and outlaws. The Ogre Citadel, a symbol of power and unity, was reduced to rubble. The Whispering Woods grew silent, and the Druid's Circle was desecrated.

In recent times, a glimmer of hope emerged from the darkness. A new generation of leaders, inspired by the legends of the past, rose to challenge the forces of chaos and despair. They rallied the scattered clans, rebuilt the shattered infrastructure, and rekindled the spirit of the Swamp.

The Great Market was reclaimed and turned into The Goblin Market, a place of offerings so vast it's known around the world. The Ogre Citadel was rebuilt, but still remains a shadow of its former self. The Whispering Woods once again echoed with the whispers of ancient spirits, and the Druid's Circle was consecrated anew. As for the Blighted Moor, well, who knows if all the various hexes and chemicals can ever be cleaned of the place some still try, but many have died even attempting to do so.

The Marsh Confederacy is now a shadow of its former self, but it is a resilient shadow. Its people are determined to rebuild their civilization and restore the swamp to its former glory.

Governance and Society


The Marsh Confederacy doesn't exactly have a central government, rather each area is extremely autonomous, and has its own rules and norms, as the land is extremely diverse. However, in times of unrest or threats to the nation, the tribal leaders of the Confederacy can call together a grand council made up of 3 representatives of each tribe to make decisions that affect all of them. These grand councils are held in a tribal hall in the center of the land, and presided over by an ogre named Lord Kerhs whose position is more respected than enforced.


The Marsh Confederacy is a diverse and interconnected society, each tribe within it possesses unique cultural nuances, traditions, and social structures. These differences create a tapestry of cultures within the swamp, leading to a vibrant and dynamic social ecosystem.

Some tribes prioritize agriculture, cultivating nutrient-rich swamp plants for sustenance. Others specialize in hunting, fishing, or gathering, relying on the swamp's abundant resources. Some tribes have a strong affinity for magic, with shamans and sorcerers playing pivotal roles in their communities.

Societal structures vary as well. Some tribes are matriarchal, with women holding positions of power and influence. Others are patriarchal, with men leading the way. Some tribes are even egalitarian, with power shared among all members. A few tribes are quite discriminatory though, only allowing certain races to live there, and some are of the opposite extreme, seedy tribes rife with people wanted by other kingdoms, who disappeared into the relatively lawless Swamp Confederacy.

Without a strong central authority though, power struggles happen from time to time. A blind eye is often turned to inner-tribe conflicts and sometimes even inter-tribe conflict can be ignored if they don't pose a big threat to the surrounding areas.

Despite these differences, most of the tribes come together from time to time to celebrate shared festivals and exchange goods. And when it comes time for a grand council, almost all cooperate on matters of mutual concern.


When the need arises, the grand council forms a militia to respond to threats, composed of volunteers from the various tribes. These militias are often varied and change depending on the type of threat or enemy faced, but can often be weak and ill equipped compared to the surrounding modern kingdoms.

State of affairs

The Confederacy faces both internal and external challenges. Internal conflicts between tribes can arise due to resource scarcity, ancient grudges, or ideological differences. External threats, such as invading armies or powerful magic users, can also pose a significant danger to the swamp.

To address these challenges, the Confederacy convenes Grand Councils as needed. These councils bring together representatives from various tribes to discuss matters of common concern, such as defense, trade, and resource allocation. Lord Kerhs, though not a dictator, plays a crucial role in guiding these discussions and ensuring fairness.

Foreign Relations


Relations with Arora are fairly neutral, some of the denizens of the swamp like the systems they have in place over there, but most prefer the complete freedoms of the marshland.


The Confederacy sees Thalassia as a threat for the most part, their ships imposing their will on the sea cannot penetrate into the shallow swamp waters though, so it is a risk mostly kept away. The citizens of the Swamp mostly view them with distrust regardless, wary of their potential to crack down on the seedier parts of the Confederacy and threaten its sovereignty.


The citizens of the Confederacy see Tarus as a fellow free-spirited land of misfits. They have great respect for its ruler and some citizens regularly conduct trade between the areas.

Industry and Trades

  • Agriculture: Cultivation of swamp-adapted crops, such as water lilies, reeds, and aquatic vegetables
  • Hunting and Fishing: Hunting of swamp creatures like frogs, fish, and small game; fishing in the murky waters
  • Herbalism: Harvesting and processing medicinal plants and herbs for potions and remedies
  • Alchemy: Experimentation with magical substances to create powerful potions and elixirs
  • Blacksmithing: Forging weapons, armor, and tools from metal salvaged from ancient ruins or fallen meteorites
  • Woodworking: Crafting boats, furniture, and other items from the abundant timber in the swamp
  • Leatherworking: Tanning and crafting leather goods, such as clothing, armor, and bags
  • Illicit Goods: A lot of goods come from other civilizations, some legally, some not including magical items, exotic materials, and rare artifacts
  • Mercenary Work: Some tribes may offer their warriors as mercenaries, fighting for other kingdoms or factions in exchange for wealth and glory

The Marsh Confederacy is rather primitive, and its economy reflects that disparity greatly. While primarily agrarian and hunter-gatherer, they have developed a diverse range of industries and trades:

Notable Geography

  • The Whispering Woods: An enchanted forest where trees can communicate with one another
  • The Blighted Moors: A toxic, barren wasteland, the result of a long-ago magical catastrophe
  • The Druid's Circle: A sacred site where druids commune with nature and perform ancient rituals
  • The Goblin Market: A bustling market built into a canyon where all sorts of goods, both legal and illegal, are traded
  • The Ogre Citadel: A village built into a cliff face, the stronghold of a powerful ogre clan

Kingdom of Necria

Owned by @twigsprig


Necria is one of the oldest kingdoms, and yet- One with the least amount of history. The main castle which houses its royalty was one rebuilt from the rubble of an unknown, lost civilization. Historians cannot agree what ended these people, and it is thus a matter of contention. While traces of who lived there last are up for speculation, there was a notable excess of evidence of mass burial grounds. Corpses in such states even mages and scholars from overseas could not make heads nor tails of it. These unexplainable traces left an impact on the environment around them. Their flora and fauna grow in colors like swirling oil spills, tainted by this ancient magic. Crops grown from their soil spoiled, and had strange tastes- Forcing them to export much of their food and livestock. Even the sunsets have a reddish glow, as if reflecting the blood spilt on their grounds.

Their Kingdom had an uphill battle making sure it could survive and help its people at the same time. The Nexus' were the first and only line of Royals, originally elected and then sworn in by blood. Their reputation was that of a strong but strict family, and for hundreds of years they slowly but steadily grew and expanded.

The early settlers suffered through food shortages, aggressive animals and a new disease which seemed to attack mostly mages. Consumption of tainted meat and crops also led to sickness, of which there was no cure. All the royals could do was offer whatever they could to manage symptoms, and try to dissuade people from eating from the land.

As it turned out, their curious environment did not offer all sickness and rot. Their mines ended up elevating their trade when they discovered new, extremely durable metals- Which not only rivaled the sturdiest known armors, but were incredibly attuned to magic, making enchanting easy and more effective. It was a life-changing discovery, one that altered the course of their history.

What had once been a close-knit but sturdy and small territory underwent rapid expansion. Their borders grew, as did their economy and the effectiveness of their militias. This led to the first of many border skirmishes to another growing territory to their right- The Xeo Dynasty. Fighting which only ended on a tense, bloody line drawn down the middle of their land. Necria had only pushed so far due to want for fertile lands and access to untainted areas, and was only stopped when the fighting was causing such stress to their economy and trade their people were suffering needlessly.

The King, blinded by legacy, seeing how they couldn't be beaten back into their own territory due to its unnatural conditions and the rot in the smog- Pushed on still, which proved to trigger his demise.

It was the death of the King that brought this chapter to a close, as his daughter Althea rose to the mantle and decided on the diplomatic route. The newly crowned Queen began her reign by ending the bloody battles in the fissures, and ushering in an era of invention and progress.


With a wide array of species living on Necrian soil, humans and elves are the most common. Magical creatures and proclivities are also prevalent. They have a surprisingly high birth rate for mages even among non-magical lineages, causing some to believe it is the location itself that is closer than normal to these unseen forces. However, with an increase in magical prowess, an incurable disease of unknown magical origin also plagues the land. While not common, anymore at least- And ranging in severity and symptoms, the most notable sign of this taint is a visible mark, often called crystal rot due to its appearance and tendency to spread out like opalescent spiderwebs.


High Council

Made up of several elected officials, though usually reserved for families of esteem- There are at least two on the Council from lower echelons to prevent overreach and get a different perspective. (The two extra seats were a recent addition from Queen Althea)


Superstition often coming into play in their lives, there are a handful of magically inclined people dubbed Oracles whose main goal is researching rot and offering assistance to all those affected by it. They can also offer advice to the council and in turn the Queen.

Trade & Commerce

Relying heavily on trade due to their inability to grow their own food or raise their own livestock, they have a very successful business exporting metals, weapons and ore to neighboring nations. Textiles and materials come in second, with some naturally occurring materials only available in their curious surroundings.


Necria has been a heavily militia-focused Kingdom since the discovery of their mines, and as such their weaponry and training reflects this. They have their own unique organizational efforts, and do not discriminate on race, gender, or even illness. In fact, those infected with crystal rot are often used in the fissures due to their resilience to the smog.


Necria has a melting pot of different species and religions, but their emphasis on community luckily prevents any major rifts from forming. If there was one thing about shared struggle, it was that it would make or break a group of people. There is a disparity- Between laborers and people working closer to the castle, but under Althea's rule this gap is slowly closing. Benefits to miners also improved under her, though access to medical treatment has always been a promise the family has upheld.

Aside from community, they have a surprising emphasis on providing adequate training to anyone able-bodied- And are not stingy in providing weapons to their own people above others. While lacking any real agricultural products, mining is the most widespread job for the working class, as well as jobs involving textiles. They've also found success in producing certain types of fabrics from silk-worms only present in their rich cave systems.


Plains & Fissures

Great plateaus of rotted, cobbled stone and earth sprout up from the ground like flat-topped fungi, ranging in size but reaching ~80 ft. The ravines that flow beneath are often overrun with a sort of smog, which is still up for debate on origin, even by specialists. Some believe it to rise from the earth during certain seasons or changes, while others believe its root lies in spores blooming. Whatever the cause, it can lead to hallucinations and out of body experiences if inhaled enough, and some people believe it causes crystal rot. Curiously, those already infected with this rot show a surprising resilience to this smogs effects. Travel in these areas is frowned upon, though some use the ravines to measure their progress from a distance. Deepstalker's use these areas to raise their young in certain seasons- The territorial predators another deterrent to the area.

Forests & Glades

Huge, mutated plants make up the majority of Necria's forests. It sports one of the tallest trees in the world, and much of its fauna has either evolved some sort of defensive or evolutionary tactic for survival- Or has simply tripled in size. Home to many of Necria's animals, the flora also poses risk- As some of them have mutated and developed a taste for meat.

Mines & Caverns

The most dangerous but also most lucrative area in Necria, the mines and caverns that run below its surface run for miles beneath the equally strange topside. Many are uncharted, despite their great efforts to maximize miners' safety and presence. They have decided the Zylothe's, a primitive species found in its depths- Are not to be trifled with over territories, and thus certain cave systems are left alone.


Owned by @ghoulishhopkins


Owned by @darthnave


Ruler(s): Emperor Lightbane, Bringer of the Dawn. Queen Sophia.

Government Type: Militarized Monarchy with a War Council.

Capital City: Luminar

Exports: Wood, Steel, Magical Crystals, Crops (Tobacco, Wheat, Corn)

Notable Locations: The Iron Peaks (Mountain Fortress), The Caverns of Sunfall (A region vulnerable to attacks from the Spider Folk of Notoriety), The Dawn Barracks (Military), Constantine Academy Of Magic and Swordsmanship (CAMS) , Golden Meadows (Farmland), Mines of Sunfall (A heavily fortified portion of the Sunfall region used to extract ores from underground), Luminar City, Aurelius Village, Autumnfall Woods (Enchanted Forest)

Region Description: Solaris is a combination of high, snow-capped mountains, fertile meadows and fields, and a large forest, always stuck in the Season of Autumn. Civilization is rampant in Solaris, with a massive city and several towns spread evenly across the Country. To the East, you'll find caverns which are heavily fortified due to the terrifying spider folk of Notoriety - however, these cave entrances span across the entirety of Solaris, thus putting it in a constant war with the Darkness. The Government has evolved to deal with their presence, and due to the unification of the people, there are countless tales of heroes who risked their lives to defeat the Threat, and deliver the light unto the aptly named “Cavern-Dwellers”. The people are all devoted to a religion centered around the light, and you can find a Church devoted to Seraphiel, the God of Light, in every town.


Founding Date: 1st Year of the Dawn, Spanning 500 years ago. Created on March 20th. (Spring Equinox, where the Sun is said to shine the brightest)


Story One - Seraphiel and the Lords: The Kingdom of Solaris was, at one point, a collection of tribes spread out across the Mainland. They were in constant conflict with one another, and many died to famine due to sabotage and destruction of one another. One Man, King Seraphiel, was born with a direct connection to the Divine Light. He healed the land, originally torn apart from each tribe's endless conflict, and combatted famine by instantly growing crops with his touch. His power was so great, it was said that any Man who stood against him would be incinerated in an instant.

Tales rose of his Angelic Nature - people believed the Gods had sent one of their own to bring Peace and Prosperity to the Chaos that was early Solaris. Some even believed that with a single touch, Seraphiel could heal any ailment, even bringing sight to the blind, or restoring lost limbs.

Seraphiel was said to have come from the Heavens themselves, and a divine glow followed him wherever he stood. That's why, in the span of only a month, the Country had been united behind one Front - Solaris; which simply meant “The Light”, symbolizing both Harmony and Hope. The Greatest Men and Women banded together to create the City of Luminara, a place in the heart of the Mainland. It was protected by the Mountains to the North, and it was fueled by the Farmlands to the South and East, while it also had a strong connection to trade routes by the Sea.

Temples dedicated to Seraphiel and the Light were created everywhere, in both Cities and Villages. They worshipped the light; the purity, harmony, and hope that it brought with it. Because of their intense beliefs, a type of magic began to pervade the very hearts of the People of Solaris, and those with the strongest moral compasses began to grow angelic wings and be able to heal just like Seraphiel.

However, not all was perfect. The Lords of Each tribe became jealous and terrified of the Angel's power, so they banded together to bring his ruin. Numerous attempts were made against Seraphiel's life, but none of them succeeded; poison didn't seem to work, and the strongest warriors didn't hold a candle to the power of Seraphiel. With all of their attempts, the Lords found one of his weaknesses - in the dead of night, Seraphiel weakened just enough for their strongest ritual to stand a chance.

They lured Seraphiel deep into the Autumnfall Woods, and locked him inside of a temple with a powerful ritual. The Angel fought back, his power coursing through the very land itself, and locking the woods in an eternal Twilight. However, he could not escape. Not in time for the ritual to succeed, putting Seraphiel in an eternal coma, locked away in his chamber. The Lords claimed his power, but remained dedicated to the Light, understanding the unification that came with it. The people simply believed Seraphiel had ascended to the Heavens, the truth lost to history forever.

Now, it's said that the Autumnfall Woods hold a secret. That the veil between life and death is weakened in the woods, and that no one should enter if they wish to keep their lives. The forest lies on the Eastern Border between Solaris and Other Countries, and travelling by boat to Solaris's Eastern Coast is not recommended, nor trying to pass through the forest.

Story 2 - The Fall of Emberline Keep (Year of the Dawn 151 -> Present Day 300 YD):

One hundred and forty years passed since the action of the Leaders, and the Kingdom fell into deeply split factions (tribes, but civilized) once again. Some believed that Seraphiel had been betrayed, others believed that he abandoned them, and they should abandon the light itself. One thing was for certain - Solaris had changed from light to twilight.

In those two millenia, magic had been developed. Militia had been formed, and technology was created - after all, Solaris prided itself on Military Strength to protect from other Countries, if the need ever came. Which, unfortunately it did.

Dawn Bringers, a legacy spanning from the last of Seraphiel's blessed militia, tried their damndest to unite the factions again. They created an Order of The Light, and put into place a Constitution, describing the problems of each faction and the solutions to each one. This Constitution was immediately respected and put into place, as it offered a reprieve from the horrific faction crimes that took place nearly every week. The People knew they needed a change, and The Order provided that.

The Lords compromised with The Order, and everyone elected an Emperor - someone with everyone's best choice in mind. The elected official was both extremely strong; reminiscing the old Lord Seraphiel, and wise, which allowed him to lead responsibly. With both Religion and Military agreeing on this form of Government, no issues came with the decision. Emperor Constantine enacted repairs, drafted laws, and followed the words of the Council (the unification of the old Lords and the Order). One of Constantine's most impressive feats was the establishment of “Emberline Keep” - a bastion against the other Countries across the Ocean, standing just on the edge of Autumnfall Woods. Mass mining expeditions to the west began.

A couple of years into the Rule by Constantine came a plight. Women, Children, and Warriors from a village on the West coast, tens of miles outside of Luminara were going missing; a village near the mines - the Lords thought it due to disease, but with their rapidly advanced technologies and magical plants, Constantine thought it unlikely. Dozens of Scouts (named “Dawnstriders”) were sent to the village, and only one made it back; yet barely, as the man was missing an arm and was very quickly on the verge of death. They had awakened something.

His dying words were “The Mines” - before the poor man collapsed onto the ground from his horse, losing his life from the blood loss.

The reaction was intense. An entire militia was sent to the Caverns of Sunfall, with the Emperor joining them, guiding them through the Autumnfall Woods. There, after several day's travel, they witnessed firsthand the horrors of the Underdark; Notoriety, it was called, and it was an entire population of Spider People. Notoriety's soldiers had enhanced strength, could weave powerful silk, and had powerful enchanted weapons.

The Soldiers and the spider folk fought a close battle, but it was clear Notoriety was pushing them back. In the night, where the power of the mages and the soldiers were at its lowest, Spiders attacked, burning the camp and pushing the remaining soldiers to retreat back to Emberline Keep.

Emberline Keep held the forces of Notoriety off for weeks, new technology quickly being developed in Lunaris and sent by cart to the bastion. However, the spiders discovered a weakness in their defenses - the caves spanned all over the Mainland, and they didn't need to attack from one side. They emerged from behind Emberline Keep, keeping it in a siege and slaughtering the merchants.

Eventually, they made their way into the keep, murdering every human soldier except for Emperor Constantine, who made a final stand in his chambers. Channeling every force of magic into a self-destructing attack, a mighty explosion shook the land for miles around, collapsing the caverns and serving as a warning to Luminara, but sacrificing himself to do so. Every Spider Soldier was obliterated, pushing back their impending invasion by several weeks, and giving the Capital time to prepare.

The entirety of the Kingdom - the Order, the Old Lords, and the thousands of civilians all held a funeral for him on that day, mourning him collectively. His sacrifice continued their unity, and the first of the Lightbane Legacy was elected on that day; Emperor Michael Lightbane, who was the distant relative of Constantine.

Constantine is still talked about today - aptly named “The Last Bastion”, due to his noble sacrifice, resulting in a better understanding of Notoriety Forces and specifically designed technology to incinerate their webs. Other methods, such as poisoning them through a neurotoxin that activates posthumously, leaving no way for the poison to be detected, have been developed.

As a result of the sacrifice, the Constantine Academy of Magic and Swordsmanship (CAMS) was established in Luminara, Y.D 155, which provided each person with impressively powerful magic, and knowledge of the weaknesses of the spiders. These CAMS students and warriors act as a bastion of defense, protecting the innocent and vulnerable from the terrible influence of the Spider Folk. The Academy has grown even stronger in 150 years, and is more than sufficient at keeping back the Spider Folk from their cities and Villages - but the Spiders are researching new technologies as well, resulting in an eternal war between the forces of Light and Dark.

Treaties / Alliances: TBD.


Terrain: Solaris is mostly a plains-based region with some notable variances, being the Enchanted Forest in the West, the Mountains in the North and West ( some Mines as well), and the farmlands in the South. The Kingdom is quite new compared to other civilizations, though they give off a historical vibe with large statues, ruined fortifications, and stone roads which were laid 300 years ago.

Resources: Wood, fertile land, magical crystals, ores, plenty of food, fish, stone, crops (cotton, tobacco), paper. Biggest Export is food and technology, with magical crystals being heavily controlled and defended.

Borders: Spider Folk (main) territory to the West, Neighboring Kingdom to the North, and a Kingdom across a large River to the South.

Climate: Temperate.


Monarch's Role: Decision Making, Military Protection.

  • The Monarch protects the Nation from outside threats or inside rebellions and often fights on the front lines. In times where decisive action is necessary, the Monarch is expected to make strategically sound decisions, informed by the Council.
  • The Council presents ideas to the Monarch, and he will either accept or deny them. If at least 75% of the Council disagree with his decision, it is overruled.
  • For Routine or Minor issues, Trusted Council Members / The Chancellor will make the decision instead.
  • During Emergencies, the Monarch can make quick decisions, allowing for quick and efficient decision-making. However, this has a time limit of one week (with voted extensions), and the council must have a post-crisis review of the decisions made.
  • The Monarch's Legacy (Merit-Based) is reviewed by The Council, who will determine if the up-and-coming Monarch is good enough to take the Throne. The People also have a say; if they are widely liked, the Council is to be more lenient on their decisions. If the Candidate is not good enough, they won't be selected. Structured Public Debates and Competency Evaluations are held, ensuring the Monarch is the best possible fit.

Council of Leadership: The Next Step down for power.

  • The Council is composed of elected members from the people (term limit of three years, or shorter if they are beginning to favor populist measures rather than long-term decisions), with five different sections. War, Academics, Technology and Construction, Religion, and International Relations. Each has a part to play, and each must do their job well. Sub-committees have also been created, such as “Warfare technologies”, which allow for compromise between different divisions.
  • If they have differing viewpoints on a specific issue, sub-committees are empowered to propose solutions. If still no decision is made, the issue will be brought to the Chancellor.
  • The Council holds meetings in which they vote on different subjects, ultimately deciding what laws are put into place, or what actions are taken on a more collective level. Such as implementing taxes, food stamps, homeless shelters, etc.

War Council - The war council has even more sections, as there are seven total heads of command, each chosen personally by the Emperor from The Academy or another source. The following are heads of command; Magic, Cavalry, Archery, Demolition, Melee, Naval, and Espionage. To promote cohesion:

  • The Leader of each branch reports directly to the Monarch, and regular briefings / joint mission plannings are held.
  • Joint Training Programs are held, where the branches train together in magical simulation. Similarly, a magical war map is placed in the war room, allowing real-time tracking of each Branch.
  • Liaison Officers are placed in each branch, their duties being resolution of potential misunderstandings, the sharing of intel, and facilitation of inter-branch comms.
  • Specialized Task Forces composed of representatives from each branch work together to plan specific missions or respond to emerging threats. The leadership of these task forces is rotated, allowing each branch to have their chance to shine.
  • A standardized communication system has been developed, allowing for real-time updates for each branch with potential shifts in strategy or battlefield conditions.
  • If a commander has shown that they can work effectively with others, or if they have shown good branch performance, they are rewarded with promotion / medals / recognition ceremonies.
  • To ensure everyone wants to work together, stories of heroism (where branches worked together effectively) are told, the Light is used as a unifying symbol, slogans, creeds, and ceremonies are promoted, while smaller units of soldiers will be rotated between each branch to promote an understanding of limitations and strengths.
  • Guidelines are in place; Members must treat each other with respect and honesty.
  • Team building events are held each year, ceremonies, festivals, and competitions allowing for branches to understand each other better. The public also takes part in these ceremonies, allowing for competition between the people / foreigners. They also perform, re-imagining key stories like Constantine's sacrifice or even bringing their own stories. This keeps the ceremonies from getting too repetitive.
  • Inter-Branch Disputes are handled by the Chancellor, who will hold meetings and view the issue from a neutral stance.

CAMS; Constantine Academy of Magic and Swordsmanship

  • The Academy trains future Monarchs, Council Members, and Military Leaders in diplomacy (both in and out of Kingdom), strategy, and crisis-management.
  • To ensure as much recruitment as possible, programs, flyers, and stories of the Academy's good deeds are spread throughout the society, positioning the Academy as the best way to shape your future.
  • Countless learning programs, from agriculture to naval engineering.
  • Cross-Country Diplomacy is encouraged, so that Solaris is in good standing with other Kingdoms.
  • They also train engineers, mechanics, and architects, allowing for development of Branch-Neutral Technology, meaning no one branch will have superior technology. A council of Student Representatives will review and vote on said product, ensuring there is no favoritism in Branch Performance.
  • Facilities are used for kingdom-wide crisis simulations, ensuring everyone is ready for an invasion from Notoriety.
  • Kingdom-wide Ceremonies are held, where everyone can participate.

The Voice of The People (“Even the smallest voices can make way for the Greatest Light.”)

  • In Solaris, THE PEOPLE hold more sway than in other Kingdoms. Any person may request an audience with The Council over their issues.
  • Voting Ballots are held once every 3 years for members of The Council, which represent the people in “Assembly Halls”. These representatives may vote for bigger issues, voice the concerns of the people, and handle local district issues, such as Resource Allocation, Proposal of Laws, and mediation of Disputes. The Representatives may also request emergency aid in times of crisis (food, military, etc)
  • Representatives are encouraged to promote unity through local festivals, celebrating both culture and The Light.

District Identities

Twilight District (District of Personal Freedom) - A sort of “Red Light District”, where people have more freedom, though unnecessary violence is heavily discouraged and will result in banishment. Was actually created by the People, not by the Government, but remains one of the largest districts for mercenaries, assassins, and other sketchy jobs to find work. It is not uncommon to find Government Agents here, as the district is constantly under watch. Due to its morally Grey nature, it is called The Twilight District - a time between Night and Day. You can purchase more rare items from a heavily regulated Black Market

To promote unity, the district holds small festivals available to everyone once a week, where they spread culture and tell stories. if criminals wish to move to other professions, there is a program that allows it.

Noble District - The cleanest and most beautiful district, but mostly open to everyone. This is the Home District of the Constantine Academy, and holds many Noble houses. It places emphasis on knowledge, allowing people from all backgrounds to learn about the World around them. There are several libraries, and even a large colosseum for battle-themed events. Important knowledge is taken from these libraries and placed in a massively fortified library.

There are public gardens and forums so that the District is open to everyone, not just the Nobles.

The information is shared with the public in closely watched events every week (Wednesdays) so that if someone wants one of the more important pieces of knowledge, they can view it.

The Noble District has a scholarship system for those from other districts who might not have as much money, making education more affordable to everyone.

Another note is the magical wards and alarms present in both the Academy, Noble Houses and the Library, adding another layer of defense. The defenses are discreet and hidden, making stealthy destruction of the systems difficult.

Trading District - This Is the trading center of Luminara, the center of food distribution, naval trade, and international diplomacy buildings, among a large market and hundreds of merchants. If you want to buy something, go to the Trading District, where you can find anything (legal).

The District has a localized logistics center - a large building in charge of distribution, allocation, and protection of materials. Ultimately optimizes the transportation of resources, ensuring routes are clear.

There are specialized Merchant Guilds in charge of every category of good. From magical items to food to construction goods, there is a company in charge of it that reports to the Head of Technology and Construction.

Festivals are held here as well, which recognizes and honors international partnerships or Treaties - essentially, they celebrate their alliances with other Kingdoms.

The second largest barracks sits here, allowing for naval and land protection of resource transportation. There are specialized teams or companies that follow each Trade Ship or Merchant Caravan.

Military District - The district holding the largest military HQ, with smaller outposts located across the entire city. It also has a research hub which processes and reproduces Military Technology created across the Kingdom.

The Emperor's Palace sits in this District, allowing the Emperor and his advisors the most possible protection from the Military.

Museums are open to the public, and the Military often has parades through the streets of the District, available for all to see.

General Technologies, such as the teleportation system spanning the entire city, sits in the heart of the District. This allows for instantaneous evacuation of civilians and instant appearance of Military Command.

The Simulation Command Center (SCC) allows for the Kingdom and Military Branches to be constantly prepared for internal strife or external threats.

Universal Points (Found everywhere)

  • Forges, magical research labs, temples and knowledge vaults are located in every district
  • Annual Unity Festival; A massive festival held in rotating districts, celebrating the Day of The Light (Sunday), Culture, and innovation.
  • Districts often team up (such as Twilight District Mercenaries teaming up with the Military for additional fighting strength)
  • There is a system of magical communication that allows for District Leaders to speak with one another.
  • Resources; Healthcare, education, and other basic needs are provided to everyone, regardless of background. This means all districts have an equal chance at survival.
  • There are Assembly Halls in every district, serving as a place for anyone to voice their concerns and bring the issue to The Order.


Owned by @now_u_c_me1003


The land of Tarus is mostly empty, most of the people live in the capital of Tarus. Tarus city is the home of the actual kingdom, the home of the feared dragon king, Sylus. It's a trading city, filled with gold, silver, jewels, weapons, and the best resource of all information.

They happily live under the rule of Sylus, he lets them live free and protects them from those who want to harm them.


Tarus used to be a land of nothing but Dragons, they all lived in harmony. But where soon hunted to extinction except for Sylus, Sylus is the sole survivor of the Tarus dragons. He made the kingdom in honor of his fallen friends and family. He made it a safe space for the non-dragon people of his kingdom, he'll make it paradise for all those who live there.

Initial Conditions


Tarus, for the most part, is a dry and hot land. The kingdom itself is surrounded by a lake of red lava known as The Void. The only way to enter the kingdom is through a natural land bridge formed from obsidian. Sylus' castle is also formed and carved from obsidian and black stone. The capital is surrounded by jagged rocks that form volcanoes and small lava streams.

Just outside the jagged peaks are where the farmers live, taking advantage of the small amount of greenery that is found.

Farther outside of the capital are rolling hills of red flowers and green as far as the eyes can see. Most of the people from Tarus do not visit these places due to the sacred nature as the land is covered with the remains of dragons long past. You'll sometimes see Sylus sitting in the fields of flowers, staring at the oasis below where all the creatures come for water.

The beaches that surround the island are covered in black sand, stained from the ashes of the volcanoes that have scorched the land in the past.

Natural Resources

Obsidian, gold, silver, jewels, and cured meats.


(I will update this as cross adds to them.)



Sylus is at the top as the king, but all the other people in the kingdom are seen as equals under Sylus.


Sylus lets very few into his kingdom, you must ask for his permission… Ever since his people were killed, he is very strict on who enters. But you are free to leave if you'd like.


The economy is very small, usually between everyone who lives in Tarus City. But, Sylus has a couple of trade deals with other kingdoms due to his high valued riches that are found naturally in his kingdom's mines.


Sylus is law, but he's very forgiving… for the most part…



The people worshiped the dragons for the longest time, now with Sylus being the one left, they worship him. They see him as their protector and their king.



The people of Tarus come in all shapes, sizes, and species. They match the appearance of their city and their king: Black and red clothing.


Just like the people who live there, there are a lot of languages that are spoken in Tarus. Although Dragonic is only spoken by the elders and Sylus himself.


Owned by @admiralmoses


The Thalassans are a powerful maritime civilization, divided into two subraces; the technologically adept Mechanikoi and the magically inclined Thaumaturgoi. United by their island home, powered by the mystical Dynamis Lake, they dominate the seas with their advanced fleets. Their society is meritocratic, valuing skill over birthright. However, beneath their united front, internal tensions and external conflicts threaten their dominance.

It's important to note that while the High Council holds ultimate authority, the actual power dynamics are often more fluid. The most skilled and influential individuals, regardless of their subrace, can rise to positions of great power and influence. This ensures that the Thalassans remain adaptable and responsive to the ever-changing challenges they face.


The Thalassan leadership structure is a complex interplay of meritocracy and tradition. Power is distributed among three lower councils, and one ultimate council.

The High Council

Composed of representatives from both the Mechanikoi and Thaumaturgoi and oversees the governance of the Thalassan nation. The high council is composed of elected officials from each of the regions within Thalassia, and makes the final decisions if there is a large amount of public disagreement with the decisions of any of the other three councils.

The Mechanikos

A council of the most skilled Mechanikoi oversees technological advancements, infrastructure development, and military engineering within the majority Mechanikoi areas of the nation.

The Thaumaturgic Conclave

A gathering of the most powerful Thaumaturgoi, the Conclave is responsible for maintaining the mystical balance of the island and protecting it from magical threats they are often involved in diplomacy with other magical powers.

The Naval High Command

A joint military command led by both Mechanikoi and Thaumaturgoi admirals oversees the Thalassan navy and its operations. They are responsible for protecting trade routes and defending the island.


Thalassan culture is deeply rooted in the principles of individual achievement, fairness, and progress. It fosters a society where personal growth is paramount, encouraging each individual to strive for excellence and push their limits. Skill development is highly valued, with ample opportunities for education and training available to all. The Thalassans believe in recognizing and rewarding talent, establishing a system that celebrates hard work, creativity, and innovation. Fairness and equality of opportunity are cornerstones of their society, ensuring a level playing field where everyone, regardless of background or social status, has the chance to succeed. Impartial judgment is upheld, with decisions based on merit rather than personal connections or biases. Open competition is encouraged, creating an environment where the best and brightest naturally rise to the top.

Innovation and progress are vital to the Thalassan way of life. They cultivate a culture that values creativity and original thinking, encouraging the exploration of new ideas. Risk-taking is embraced, with a willingness to experiment and try new things. Adaptability is essential, as the Thalassans believe in learning from mistakes and adjusting to changing circumstances. Collaboration and teamwork are also highly prized, emphasizing shared goals and the importance of collective achievement. They respect diversity, recognizing the value of different perspectives and experiences. A strong work ethic permeates their society, characterized by dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to seeing tasks through to completion. Efficient time management and self-discipline are also essential qualities, enabling individuals to prioritize tasks and stay focused.


While the meritocratic Thalassan society offers numerous benefits, it also presents certain drawbacks. An overemphasis on competition can foster a cutthroat culture, potentially leading to selfishness and a lack of empathy. The constant pressure to succeed may result in burnout and mental health issues, such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, an excessive focus on achievement and success can lead to a neglect of other important values, such as compassion, creativity, and community. Many individuals within the society struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance, as the pursuit of success often consumes their lives. Finally, the cultural differences between groups such as the Thaumaturgoi and the Mechanikoi can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, as their unique values and traditions may clash.


Thalassan Naval High Command consists of three main parts

High Admiral

The supreme commander of the Thalassan navy is the one voted most capable by the Admirality, after several rounds of testing in a variety of subjects designed by each member of the Admirality.

The Admirality

A group of experienced admirals and strategists who hold the High Admiral accountable and oversee the navy's operations.

Fleet Commands

There are 5 main divisions of the navy responsible for specific missions, they all report ultimately to The Admirality with the exception of the Sea Witches who report to the Thaumaturgic Conclave

  • Thalassan Grand Fleet: One of the most robust navies in the world it contains some of the largest and magically advanced strike groups to defend Thalassan interests around the world.
  • Thalassan Marine Corps: Oversees the training, deployment, and operations of the marine corps. They are highly trained units capable of amphibious assaults and basic land warfare.
  • Coastal Defense Forces: They are responsible for defending Thalassan coastal cities and harbors. They contain heavy artillery units for coastal fortifications.
  • Naval Intelligence Service: Oversees intelligence gathering and analysis as well as gathers information on enemy naval forces, trade routes, and strategic plans.
  • Thalassan Sea Witches: A mysterious order of sorcerers who can control the weather and summon sea creatures. They provide reconnaissance, sabotage, and rarely direct combat, but only when the mainland is under threat. They also contain elite warriors who ride giant, magical sea creatures into battle.

Military Training and Culture

The Thalassan military is renowned for its rigorous training and unwavering dedication. Thalassan soldiers endure intense physical and mental conditioning, designed to forge individuals of exceptional discipline, unwavering loyalty, and unparalleled seafaring proficiency. Their training emphasizes not only combat prowess but also a profound understanding of naval strategy and maritime navigation. A deep respect for naval history and tradition is instilled in every soldier, fostering a strong sense of pride and camaraderie that binds them together.

The Thalassans view the sea as a powerful and unpredictable force, demanding both reverence and respect. This understanding shapes their military doctrine and influences every aspect of their naval operations, ensuring that their soldiers are not only skilled warriors but also astute mariners, capable of navigating the treacherous currents and unpredictable storms that define their world.


The Emergence and Division of the Thalassans

Millennia ago, the Thalassans emerged from the ocean's depths, a people uniquely adapted to the marine environment. Their bodies, shaped by the sea, granted them an innate understanding of its secrets. As their civilization began to flourish, a natural divergence occurred. Some Thalassans, drawn to the tangible and the practical, began to master the use of natural resources and engineering, becoming the Mechanikoi. Others, more attuned to the ethereal and the mystical, delved into the arcane arts, becoming the Thaumaturgoi. This division, though significant, did not fracture their shared heritage. Instead, it created two complementary paths, both dedicated to the protection and expansion of their island home.

The Foundation of a Meritocratic Kingdom and the Shaping of Thalassia

Despite their differing disciplines, the Mechanikoi and Thaumaturgoi remained united by a common purpose: to forge a powerful kingdom and extend their influence across the seas. They established a meritocratic society, a system where power and prestige were earned through skill, knowledge, and unwavering loyalty, irrespective of subrace. This foundation of meritocracy became the bedrock of their kingdom, ensuring that the most capable individuals led, regardless of their origin. The island of Thalassia itself became a testament to their combined ingenuity. The Mechanikoi constructed intricate networks of canals and waterways, connecting the island's cities and facilitating trade, while the Thaumaturgoi imbued the land with magic, creating lush, fertile fields and protecting it from harm.

Lake Dynamis: A Nexus of Power and Cooperation

At the heart of Thalassia lay Lake Dynamis, a unique meeting point of magic and technology. For the Thaumaturgoi, the lake served as a sacred sanctuary, its serene waters and mystical energy providing the perfect environment for meditation, spiritual practices, and arcane rituals. They drew power directly from the lake, using it to fuel their spells and enchantments, and believed that certain areas of its depths served as portals to otherworldly realms. For the Mechanikoi, the lake held more practical significance. Its elevated position and the rivers flowing to the coast provided a source of hydropower, driving waterwheels and watermills that powered their shipyards and other industries. Its strategic location made it an ideal hub for shipbuilding and maritime trade, and its unique ecosystem provided ample opportunities for scientific research. By combining the mystical and the practical, Lake Dynamis became a vital resource for both subraces, fostering cooperation and understanding, and ensuring the continued prosperity of the Thalassan civilization.

The Rise of Naval Dominance

The Thalassans' rise to naval dominance was a gradual process, built upon centuries of maritime tradition and strategic innovation. Their deep-rooted seafaring heritage provided them with unparalleled skills in navigation, shipbuilding, and naval tactics. The Thaumaturgoi further enhanced their naval capabilities by imbuing ships with powerful arcane magic, increasing their speed, maneuverability, and defensive strength. Simultaneously, the Mechanikoi, through their ingenious engineering, designed and constructed formidable vessels equipped with advanced sailing techniques and innovative weaponry. A unified naval command ensured efficient coordination and strategic thinking, allowing for rapid deployment and decisive action. Their profound respect for the sea, a reverence born from their very origins, allowed them to predict weather patterns, navigate treacherous waters, and anticipate the sea's challenges, solidifying their position as masters of the waves.

Internal Conflicts and External Expansion

The Mechanikoi and Thaumaturgoi, though united in their goal of prosperity and protection, often clashed in their methods and philosophies. The Mechanikoi, driven by logic and practicality, sometimes viewed the Thaumaturgoi's reliance on intuition and emotion as a weakness. The Thaumaturgoi, in turn, accused the Mechanikoi of being cold and unfeeling, too focused on material gain and technological advancement. These internal tensions occasionally erupted into open conflict, leading to civil wars and the scarring of their island home. Ancient ruins and forgotten cities stood as silent testaments to these dark times.

The Shattered Coast: The Culmination of the Great Schism

For generations, the Mechanikoi and Thaumaturgoi had coexisted, their unique talents contributing to the prosperity of Thalassia. However, underlying tensions, fueled by differing philosophies and ambitions, gradually escalated. The Mechanikoi, driven by logic and efficiency, sought to harness the power of technology to control their environment and expand their influence. The Thaumaturgoi, attuned to the mystical energies of the world, believed in maintaining balance and harmony with nature, viewing the Mechanikoi's relentless pursuit of progress as reckless and destructive.

These ideological differences eventually erupted into open conflict, known as the Great Schism. Battles raged across Thalassia, pitting Mechanikoi war machines against Thaumaturgoi arcane spells. The conflict reached its climax at the coastal region that would later become known as the Shattered Coast.

The Final Stand

Both factions recognized the strategic importance of this location. The Mechanikoi, with their superior naval power, sought to secure a foothold on the coast, establishing a staging point for their land-based offensives. The Thaumaturgoi, drawing upon the power of the sea, aimed to repel the Mechanikoi invasion and turn the tide of the war.

The battle was a cataclysmic clash of technology and magic. The Mechanikoi unleashed their most advanced weaponry: colossal siege engines that hurled explosive shells, automated war constructs that marched relentlessly forward, and modified naval vessels that bombarded the coast with arcane-powered cannons. The Thaumaturgoi responded with devastating spells: summoning tidal waves that crashed against the Mechanikoi fleet, conjuring storms that ripped apart their airships, and unleashing arcane blasts that shattered their war machines.

The land itself became a battleground, scarred by the combined might of both factions. The earth trembled as Mechanikoi explosives tore apart the cliffs, and the sea boiled as Thaumaturgoi spells reshaped the coastline. The conflict reached a crescendo when a rogue Thaumaturgoi, in a desperate attempt to end the battle, unleashed a forbidden spell that shattered the very fabric of reality. The spell's backlash resulted in a devastating explosion that obliterated both armies and reshaped the coastline, leaving behind the jagged cliffs, sunken ruins, and lingering arcane energies that characterize the Shattered Coast today.

The Aftermath and Legacy

The battle at the Shattered Coast marked the end of the Great Schism, but at a terrible cost. Both the Mechanikoi and Thaumaturgoi were left weakened and decimated, their once-proud armies reduced to mere remnants. The island of Thalassia bore the scars of the conflict, a grim reminder of the destructive power of unchecked ambition.

Despite the devastation, the Thalassans eventually rebuilt their society, learning from the mistakes of the past. The Shattered Coast, though a symbol of their darkest hour, also became a testament to their resilience. The lingering arcane energies and the remnants of Mechanikoi technology served as a constant reminder of the delicate balance between progress and destruction, shaping the Thalassans' future and their approach to both magic and technology.

Despite these internal struggles, the Thalassans continued to expand their influence. Their merchant ships sailed to distant lands, carrying goods and knowledge, while their naval fleets protected their trade routes and enforced their will upon those who dared to challenge their authority. However, this expansion was not always benevolent. The Thalassans, in their pursuit of power, sometimes exploited weaker nations, enslaved their people, and plundered their resources.

The Dangers of Ambition

The Thalassans' relentless pursuit of power and knowledge sometimes led them down dangerous paths. They dabbled in forbidden magic, experimented with dangerous technologies, and summoned entities from beyond. These actions had dire consequences, unleashing horrors that threatened to consume their world. While they achieved great things, they learned that the price of power was eternal vigilance, and the cost of complacency, the downfall of empires.

Domestic Relations

The Thalassan society thrives on the synergy between these two subraces. The Mechanikoi provide the technological foundation, while the Thaumaturgoi offer the mystical and spiritual depth. This balance has allowed the Thalassans to achieve great heights, both in terms of material progress and spiritual enlightenment.

However, their harmonious coexistence is not without its challenges. Differences in worldview, cultural norms, and societal values can sometimes lead to friction and conflict. It is through understanding, compromise, and mutual respect that the Thalassans can overcome these obstacles and forge a brighter future.

Industry and Trades

Given the unique abilities of the Mechanikoi and Thaumaturgoi, there are a few industries that are be popular with the rest of the world

Magical Engineering and Technology

Mechanikoi-led, Leveraging their understanding of machinery and magic, they create innovative devices and tools that defy conventional physics.


  • Enchanted weapons
  • Self-repairing armor
  • Magical energy sources
  • Teleportation devices

Arcane Research and Development

Thaumaturgoi-led, Their deep knowledge of magic lead to groundbreaking discoveries in fields like alchemy, divination, and healing.


  • Potions that cure diseases
  • Spells that can control the weather
  • Rituals to commune with spirits

Magical Education and Training

Both subraces have established academies and guilds to teach others about magic and technology.


  • Training warriors in magical combat
  • Teaching artisans to infuse their creations with magic
  • Educating scholars in the history and theory of magic

Magical Security and Defense

Both subraces offer services as protectors and defenders, using their unique abilities to safeguard cities, kingdoms, or trade routes.


  • Magical guardians
  • Spellcasters for reconnaissance
  • Enchanters to fortify defenses

Magical Art and Jewelry

Both subraces use their abilities to create beautiful and functional objects.


  • Enchanted jewelry
  • Magical tapestries
  • Enchanted maps
  • Spell-infused sculptures/architecture

Notable Geography

The Coralium Spire

This awe-inspiring structure, located on the highest peak of Thalassia, serves as the seat of the High Council. The Coralium Spire is not merely a building, but a testament to the ingenuity of both the Mechanikoi and the Thaumaturgoi. The Mechanikoi, with their mastery of engineering, constructed the spire's intricate framework, incorporating complex systems of gears, levers, and pulleys to ensure its stability against the strongest winds and earthquakes. The Thaumaturgoi, in turn, imbued the spire with their magic, enhancing its strength and durability, while also creating a subtle energy field that amplifies the thoughts and intentions of those within. The Spire pulses with an otherworldly light, a beacon of unity and power for the entire nation.

The Hydro Nexus

Situated amidst a network of cascading waterfalls and powerful rivers, the Hydro-Engineering Nexus is the heart of Mechanikoi innovation. This sprawling complex houses workshops, laboratories, and training grounds, all powered by the relentless force of water. The Mechanikoi have harnessed the power of the flowing rivers, utilizing intricate systems of canals and waterwheels to drive their machinery, eliminating the need for polluting fuels. The Nexus stands as a testament to their ingenuity and their ability to harness the power of nature for the betterment of their society.

The Crystal Grotto

Nestled deep within a mountain, the Crystal Grotto serves as the sacred meeting place of the Thaumaturgic Conclave. Sunlight filters through a canopy of bioluminescent crystals, illuminating the cavern with an ethereal glow. The air is thick with the hum of arcane energy, and the walls are adorned with ancient glyphs and symbols of power. Here, the most powerful Thaumaturgoi gather to commune with the spirits of the land, perform intricate rituals, and safeguard the mystical balance of Thalassia.

The Grand Shipyard

Located on a sprawling peninsula, the Grand Shipyards are a testament to the Thalassans' naval dominance. These vast complexes hum with activity, as Mechanikoi engineers oversee the construction of powerful warships, while Thaumaturgoi imbue the vessels with arcane enchantments. The shipyards are a testament to the Thalassans' ability to seamlessly integrate technology and magic, creating a formidable naval force that ensures their continued dominance of the seas.

Lake Dynamis

Lake Dynamis, situated at the heart of Thalassia, serves as a vital nexus for both the Thaumaturgoi and the Mechanikoi. For the Thaumaturgoi, the lake is a sacred sanctuary, its serene waters and inherent mystical energy providing an ideal environment for meditation, spiritual practices, and arcane rituals. They draw upon its power directly, using it to fuel their spells and enchantments, and believe that certain depths of the lake serve as portals to otherworldly realms. For the Mechanikoi, the lake's practical applications are paramount. Its elevated position and the rivers flowing to the coast provide a source of hydropower, powering various machines and devices crucial to their shipbuilding and industrial endeavors. Its strategic location also makes it an ideal hub for navigation and maritime trade, and its unique ecosystem offers ample opportunities for scientific research. By harmonizing their mystical and practical approaches, the Thalassans have transformed Lake Dynamis into a vital resource, fostering cooperation and ensuring the continued prosperity of their civilization.

The Shattered Coast

The Shattered Coast, a jagged stretch of coastline, stands as a stark reminder of the devastating Great Schism. This region, scarred by the clash of Mechanikoi technology and Thaumaturgoi magic, bears the marks of a cataclysmic battle. Jagged cliffs, sunken ruins, and twisted remnants of war machines litter the landscape, while lingering arcane energies permeate the air. This site marks the location of the final, decisive battle of the conflict, where a forbidden spell unleashed by a desperate Thaumaturgoi reshaped the land and sea, leaving behind a testament to the destructive power of unchecked ambition. The Shattered Coast serves as a somber reminder of the Thalassans' past, a place of both tragedy and resilience, where the echoes of ancient conflict continue to resonate.

Xeo Dynasty

Owned by @trvpstarr.401

History:The Beginning.

Xeo Dynasty is a heavily weaponized kingdom, almost every resident has a weapon. Usually all being both ranged and close up weapons this alone solidifies them as a powerful force. The fauna there also plays a huge part in their strength. By becoming a huge kingdom on taming they utilize animals and creatures for power and connections. They all know how to use weapons so their forces are elite, this was always the case even since the beginning of their existence. It started when a crew of sailors that lived at sea found land, they previously lived on an island however a tsunami hit and forced them to evacuate. When they reached the large area of land they camped out there, overtime villages were built and eventually it became a city. Though it seems they weren't alone. Just across from them were another city they would later name themselves Necria. Hundreds of years later Xeo Dynasty was the name they brought upon.

Chapter 2:First blood.

As their territory grew interest in it did too, their neighbors Necria. Bloodshed, agonizing war and violence, lasted for years as they fought for land. Countless deaths occurred, a massacre on both sides even. The queen of Xeo Dynasty was a cruel dictator; she didn't care that her men died. After much criticism she continued the clash, the results didn't change. Her soldiers blood stained on her hands, her own people retaliate but her immense power put a quick stop.

The war went on for even more years, nothing changed, nothing was new. The people of Xeo Dynasty were mad, they were in sorrow, they mourned over a lost family. Though one fortunate day the queen was found dead, murdered on her own throne. She was beaten to death, but who could overthrow such a foe? It was a sudden surprise, the one responsible was known as Oscar de Leon, in a world where most have magical abilities it would come to a surprise that the one who brought the queen down had no magical capabilities whatsoever. Through sheer will and determination Oscar made sure to bring her down, thus the people named him king or emperor. Unlike many emperors, Oscar was kind to his people. He was humble and generous, often taking requests and being a man of the people. He didn't see himself higher than his people, in fact he walked among them in bare feet; he knew what it felt like to grow up with nothing so royalty or status and fame meant nothing to him.

Chapter 3:Alliance and Peace.

After overthrowing the queen the next thing Oscar did was form an alliance with Necria, it had seemed something similar went on with their ruler, both parties agreed an alliance would be best for both kingdoms. In fact their truce would eventually turn into friendship and trades were happening, a sudden turn had begun, one that was finally a positive result. Xeo Dynasty provided weapons and tames, due to their location having redwood the strongest type of wood their wood was heavily requested and became extremely valued this wasn't their only resource Necria wanted from them, in fact they had many natural herbs and spices that they made delicious foods and antidotes.

Necrias supply of metal and magical armor was the main demand that Xeo Dynasty requested from them, they benefited from each other and will continue to get stronger and more stable. To this day these kingdoms have that unbreakable alliance, travels between citizens to each kingdom is very common due to them being open with one another, overall peace was now justified and what was once a cruel and dangerous situation between one another was now a calm and stable relationship as their alliance was irreplaceable.

Chapter 4:Current expeditions.

Xeo Dynasty now thrives with a substantial amount of resources including redwood, herbs, spices, antibiotics, antidotes, and weapons. They were only missing metal and armor which they received from Necria, though recently a gold mine was found in their kingdom, there was tons of it, an economic miracle had been achieved. With this much gold the kingdom could afford thousands of homes for their inhabitants, businesses were rising and their lifestyle had improved, they deserved this after everything they had gone through it was time they had been treated well.

Thanks to all this gold that is still being mined to this day, Xeo Dynasty is able to purchase resources and materials that they lack. They've even been able to implement a large educational system so the people can learn more about everything. Knowledge was power and it was being distributed to their people. Renovations were done and debts were paid, Xeo Dynasty was now fulfilling their name, their defenses had drastically improved and their saddle production increased. The emperor was proud of everyone's hard work. Other rare materials were also discovered such as jade and rubies.

Governance and Society:


Oscar De Leon is the Emperor of Xeo Dynasty, though he often listens to the people despite being an emperor, he then has a group of elites he has chosen to look into different aspects that help keep the kingdom stable such as economy, pharmaceutical, combative, etc. This group or council only obey Oscar and are equal in power with one another.


The people of Xeo Dynasty are huge on agriculture, they had tons of farmers and many medicines due to their wide abundance of crops and herbs that they use for medicinal purposes, they have many cooks as the crops and food are vast in quantity and quality. The only job they really lack are miners as there aren't many caves though they mainly go to Necria and help with the caves there, the demand for blacksmiths is high as well, due to every citizen having possession of weapons, the production of weapons is very high and the demand for blacksmiths has grown over the years many wanting their weapons fixed or augmented. The kingdom is very safe, the people love the place and very few crimes due to how elite the law enforcement units are.

There are many races that live in Xeo Dynasty the majority are humans and kitsunes, the first agricultural revolution involved the bamboo shoots and redwood due it being the most common and most abundant resource to harvest, it had seemed redwood trees would appear from nowhere it was a mystery however Xeo Dynasty's ownership of the acres spreading throughout the redwood forest allowed for them to benefit from the vast amount of redwood and thatch. This encouraged many people to carry these resources and sell them under kingdom name.

Xeo Perks:

Xeo perks are a form of perks one receives when they are born in Xeo Dynasty, there are 5 perks one can obtain. Sometimes a rare case can occur and have one be born with two perks. These perks help with certain statistics in one's physical or mental capabilities. Each perk has stages that determine how much of an effect a perk has on said person; each rank up can be determined at the scarlet tree of paradise by placing one's hand on the wood with permission from the kingdom; it will show 4 letters each have a separate meaning. Ranking up perks takes a long time and threat levels play a part in it too. The stronger one is the easier it is to rank up but even if one is strong it can still take months or even years to rank up.

  1. D: This is the first letter everyone obtains at birth if they are born in Xeo Dynasty, it is the first rank every perk starts off with the beginner perk it boosts said stat when a rank up occurs, this perk doesn't really play much of a part as the rest though it is the beginning of perks and introduces knowledge and understanding of said stat.
  2. O:This is the second letter one receives if they manage to rank up. It gives one a much more clear understanding of said stat and the effect can actually be felt a little as it boosts said stat by 10%, this plays a small part in threat level and can prove useful in certain situations.
  3. E:The third rank up, this is typically where most stop ranking up as ranking up from this letter is almost extremely difficult due to how much it boosts said stat when one reaches this letter their threat level is affected by a good margin boosting it by 20% this where the true use of said perk comes into play.
  4. X:It is almost impossible to reach this letter without intense training and experience as this perk boosts said stat by 40% this letter is almost never seen in a person the ones who do are usually imperial guards or the strongest of code x. They can use this perk to their advantage when needed.
  5. Xeo:The true perk, it has all three letters and only one person holds this perk rank for the perk emperor's blessing that being the Emperor, it boosts his stats by 100% playing an immense amount of importance in his skills, he possesses two of the 4 perks and both are rank Xeo, that's right if one was lucky enough to have 2 perks then they both would rank up separately one could be a D while the other is an E. Though the emperor's two perks are both Xeo.

Notice:If someone is fighting someone or competing against them and there is a difference in rank ups the one with the higher rank will have an increased chance of winning depending on the gap, if it is the same rank then it scales down on threat level or skill level aside from perks. Ex:Someone with a rank O emperor's blessing will have a harder time reading their movements and facing them if it is the same then the outcome would remain the same as if they had no perks to begin with. Also perks are considered a passive as there is no process of activating it. Only the xeo rank for emperor's blessing alone is the only one that only the emperor can have; the rest of the xeo rank for the other perks can all be obtained by anyone if they work for it.

These are the perks one can choose from:

Emperor's Blessing:

This perk improves one's ability to fight hand to hand combat, it gives them better knowledge and understanding on hand to hand combat. This perk is usually unlocked when one has a natural interest in hand to hand combat and uses it a lot. In order to progress towards a rank up one must use hand to hand combat a lot such as on other people or on training dummies the most common people with this perk usually are in the military branches.

The following stages are described on their specified letters:

  1. D:As stated before this doesn't do much besides opening a new understanding and vision on hand to hand combat in this case, D rank emperor's blessing allows one to see movements slightly better and have better control on their own as well.
  2. O:When one has the emperor's blessing and reaches rank O, they will have better movement in their hand to hand combat and even better understanding of their own and others movements. Their damage output is also greater as it gets boosted by 10% dealing a bit more damage than their limit.
  3. E:Upon ranking up the emperor's blessing to rank E their movements will be executed with perfection, their understanding of movements of both their opponents and their own will also be increased and even a small boost on stamina will be put into play.
  4. X:The final rank one could dream of achieving, when one reaches this stage of ranks they are now a martial arts master, a force to be reckoned with, and have gone through brutal training and vicious battles to get here. Their understanding and analysis of hand to hand combat is off the charts. Their damage output is increased from 10% to 20% this 20% extra damage will be available so after the full limit of damage is done an extra 20% bonus will occur and stamina is also increased by 10%. Even the best martial fighters wish they could achieve such a skill level.
  5. Xeo:This is only a rank that one person in the entire kingdom has only , that being the emperor, he has reached a level of martial arts that is incomprehensible, it is immeasurable and it is unbelievable. This rank gives an extra 40% damage output after limitation, 20% stamina boost, the highest level of understanding and reading abilities of hand to hand combat as possible, and even a 10% speed boost.

Natures kin:

This perk allows one to harvest crops and herbs at a more effective rate than the usual person. It is more situational rather than powerful however it does help immensely with profit as many farms and businesses have large interests for people with this perk.

  1. D:As stated previously this doesn't really affect much of a person though the vision and understanding of agriculture is introduced and it is the beginning for this perk.
  2. O:Now that a rank up has happened it means this person has harvested crops and collected herbs for a while, used them to create food, narcotics, or medicine. This now allows a boost to come into play once ranking up which allows for a 10% speed boost in harvesting and a 5% harvest rate allowing to collect crops or herbs with a larger intake.
  3. E:The transition from O to E is a large one and usually what the average rank up usually includes, for the nature's kin perk it boosts harvest speed to 20% and harvest rate to 10%, it also introduces a luck factor on finding rarer herbs by 4%. The knowledge of herbs and crops has to be above average in order to achieve this rank.
  4. X:It is quite rare when one has reached this far into agriculture only the best of the best farmers and doctors have achieved this rank, it boosts harvest speed to 40% and harvest rate by 20%, the luck factor also increases to 8%. Finally the recreation of medicines and cooking speed both increase by 5% this also includes the taste and effectiveness.
  5. Xeo:The rank that is almost impossible to obtain, so far nobody has been successful in achieving this rank, however there are rumors a farmer in the bamboo jungle is close to reaching this rank or projected to. This rank boosts harvest speed by 60%, harvest rate by 40%, and luck factor to 16%. The recreation of medicines and cooking speed have also increased to 10% along with effectiveness and taste. Lastly this perk even has a boost on agriculture quality this means this perk boosts many aspects of farming including the speed, quality, and quantity of crops by 15%, finally upon reaching this rank the one who has this rank will be able to fertilize any soil with a touch of their hand.

The Sanctum of chemistry

This perk boosts and improves one's capabilities of alchemy, things like drugs, potions, antidotes, and chemistry work. This is another situational perk though it too plays an important role for the kingdom. It also helps with marketing as alchemy is a large job that makes lots of money due to the amount of potions and narcotics the kingdom uses.

  1. D:Like the previous ranks D is always the beginner perk not having much effect but more of an introduction as to what the perk will affect. In this case when one is interested in alchemy and potions a better understanding and vision will activate.
  2. O:The first rank up always brings all the good stuff as it comes with actual effectiveness, in this case brewing potions and other things related to that and alchemy gets an effectiveness and speed boost by 10% and an antidote recreation quality and speed boost by 5%.
  3. E:This large rank comes with an upgraded version of the previous boosts such as; potion brewery and narcotics effectiveness and speed boost by 20%, an antidote recreation boost towards quality and speed by 10%.
  4. X:Very few get the chance to get near this rank let alone achieve it, this rank boosts potion brewery effectiveness and speed by 40%, an antidote recreation quality and speed boost by 20%, and lastly a luck factor boost that increases one's luck to find rarer resources used to create these potions and antidotes by 15%.
  5. Xeo:The ultimate alchemy rank, the one that solidifies the title of a true alchemist. This rank also has no recorded users however that does not mean there isn't someone out there or make it impossible to reach this rank as it provides a boost for potion brewery for effectiveness and speed by 80%, an antidote recreation quality and speed boost by 40%, a luck factor boost by 30%, and finally an immunity to negative potions.

Workers Integrity

Workers integrity is a perk that is usually found in those who work with heavy materials and resources such as miners,lumberjacks, and construction workers. This park aids in one's ability to harvest and use heavy equipment and supplies along with the resources. It too plays a huge part in profit as these heavy duty workers get lots of money.

  1. D:Like all the others this rank doesn't really affect the status of one's ability to do something based on their perk, more of an introduction as to what's to come, and understanding and better vision to working with heavy materials.
  2. O:The beginning of which one begins to actually use the perk as it affects certain aspects such as boosting one's ability to harvest materials by 10% and the speed of it by 5%.
  3. E:Now an upgraded version of the previous rank though this rank up is much better than anticipated as it boosts harvest rate and speed by 15%, though it also boosts endurance by 5%.
  4. X:This rank up is incredibly difficult to reach as a tiny percentage of workers have this rank, it boosts harvest rate and speed by 30%, it boosts endurance by 10%, and even adds a luck factor to finding rarer materials by 10%.
  5. Xeo:The ultimate rank that a worker strives to achieve one day, they dream of obtaining such a skill. If one were to obtain it they would receive a boost for harvest rate and speed by 60%, an endurance boost by 20%, a luck boost by 20%, and even a strength boost by 5%. The Xeo special ability for this rank is to navigate wherever area they are in such as caves, forests, and mazes even without a map. They even have a special ability to locate caves on their own as an instinct sort of.


This is the last perk one can obtain. There can be future ones added but for now this is the fifth and final perk, this perk is usually found in beast tamers, it helps with tamed creatures and even taming creatures if one was to reach said rank.

  1. D:Like all the others the first rank doesn't play much part it just opens the eyes of one's understanding and vision of the topic that correlates to said perk in this case it is creatures and animals.
  2. O:The first rank up and usually the average beast tamer usually only reaches this far as this and the emperor's blessing are the hardest to rank up. Upon reaching this rank tamed creatures will have an attack boost by 5% and a speed boost by 7%.
  3. E:It is really rare to find a beast tamer with this rank as they are usually loaded with creatures and have lots of strong and useful tames. This rank boosts tamed creatures for their attack which is boosted by 10% and their speed is also boosted by 14%.
  4. X:It is almost impossible to reach this without proper training that lasts years, many challenges and risks are required to even come close to reaching this rank. It boosts tamed creatures' attack by 20%, their speed by 28%, and their health by 4%. Finally this also increases one's taming effectiveness and taming speed when taking a creature by 15%.
  5. Xeo:The only recorded person with this rank is the emperor as he takes care of his pets, he's always had a strong connection with his tamed though it was worth it as this rank boosts tamed creatures attack by 40%, their speed by 56%, their health by 8%, and the taming effectiveness and speed when taming a creature by 30%. However it also has its special ability that even carnivorous creatures will not aggro on said person unless they are provoked they will not attack unless they are already aggroed. It also boosted tamed creatures' harvest rate by 15% and improved their armor when having a saddle equipped by 5% more than what it usually is.


The Xeo Dynasty has a large military, they all have advanced training and know how to wield several weapons. There are 5 major branches in the military;

The Army:

The first branch is the main military or the Xeo Dynasty army, they are the frontlines of war, the soldiers on foot. They wear heavy yet versatile armor made of a mixture between obsidian and metal. They usually wield swords, spears,shields, bows, crossbows, maces, hammers, and they all are equipped with daggers in case they lose their weapon. Some even ride horses with poison barbed lances.

Aerial Command:

The aerial units are a unique force as they take the skies, usually surveying above Xeo Dynasty to alert and then intercept a force if it were to approach the kingdom without notice through aerial territory. They do this by riding domesticated creatures that can fly, the most common being Argentavis and Rhynioganatha.

Naval Forces:

The seas are also important to the Xeo, they use it to fish and domesticate marine life. However they also want to be prepared and the most common way of outsiders is through the sea, this means they must intercept them to identify if they are a threat or not. They do this by creating large ships and even domesticate large sea creatures that can carry their naval units.

Code X:

Code X are a group that make up the intelligence agency, they also take care of the dirty work done in the shadows. They do the research on enemies and often play many roles such as spies, security, the regular intelligence service, and covert operatives. They are one of Xeo Dynasty's most loyal members as they do whatever it takes to make sure their kingdom and emperor are safe. They are the intelligent of the five branches and all have different skills. They receive special weapons imbued with magic upon signing the contract that states their loyalty to the emperor upon so they become much stronger with these weapons however requirements are supposed to be met before one can sign the contract such as serve 3 or more years in of the other four branches and have a clean background once they pledge loyalty and sign the contract they can officially receive both their weapon and training to become part of code X.

Imperial Guards:

Imperial Guards are exactly what the name suggests, they guard the emperor and his palace, they also assist army commanders in leading the army during battle if instructed by the emperor, they can easily be identified by their red cape and long shuangyue. The armor they wear is also noticeable as they wear both metal and obsidian along with gold, a gold much more dense than regular gold.they are the hardest to defeat in battle and have the most intense training, they have the most skill and most discipline. They dedicate themselves to protecting the emperor and his palace, however they often get befriended by the emperor due to his kind nature.

State of affairs:

The society used to be filled with depression and anxiety due to how cruel and selfish the past queen was, she was practically a dictator. The government was a dictatorship and she was in charge, this sorrow filled the air and many were distraught, they felt discord and fear of what was to come. The people had no other choices besides fight or hide during the war against Necria however a drastic change had occurred as the queen fell to a man who used his bare fists, the tides shifted and war was over the newly appointed emperor has brought peace to Xeo which later became Xeo Dynasty, he had agreed to come up with a peace treaty, officially declaring to have allied forces with who they once considered enemies to allies.

Due to this change many were skeptical about it all at first but time has proven that the decision had been a success, as everything started to get better for them, their economic system had boomed after a gold mine discovery, more jobs had become available when Necria offered mining jobs, no more war meant opportunity for life both civilian life and plant life which caused a huge increase in agriculture. The fauna had begun to grow as well from what was once a charred desolate kingdom full of civilians quivering through the vast prison of fear was now a flourishing kingdom springing with life and fortitude, employment rates had increased and all five military branches had been replenished. There are many jobs besides military ones now too which include agriculture, lumber, mining, construction, alchemy, culinary, beast tamers, and many more. All the challenges the kingdom faced were gone and now only thrive on success, all the challenges were gone and only goals remained.

Foreign Relations:

Necria:Their biggest ally, completing daily trades and frequent visits between the rulers to each kingdom, the two have an unbreakable alliance and have much respect for one another.

Lyserra:They are on good terms often making trades with each other such as medicines since both produce a lot of it, Xeo Dynasty trades them lots of redwood and epicurean steak. The Xeo Dynasty benefits a lot from their Amethyst, moonstone, garnet, and echinacea.

Kimowara:They are on neutral terms with no hostility towards each other as they don't have much interactions however they do acknowledge them and hope to one day form an alliance with them.

They are on neutral terms with every other kingdom.

Industry and Trades:

Xeo Dynasty is known for their herbs and crops, their agricultural is top tier, their most popular herbs and crops are; tomatoes, lettuce, corn, potatoes, cherries, apples, peaches, bananas, peppers, onions, strawberries, watermelon, grapes, honey, sap,and carrots though they also have tons of potions and antidotes along with medicines due to having lots of herbs like cilantro, sage, lavender, parsley, basil, mint, thyme, dill, rosemary, cinnamon, yarrow, aconite, juniper, and cottonwood as their most used herbs however there are more just undiscovered due to areas being introduced later on. They have any potion you can think of and even have Xeo dynasty cuisine that can only be made there such as zen soup, crimson broth, enduro nectar, battle brew, epicurean steak, xeo mix, and bamboo gourmet their arsenal of weapons is also huge considering majority of the citizens have one making that too a large portion of what they sell and trade they make tons of money from all of these native grown and cooked foods with their own brewed potions however their main source of income is from them selling materials such as gold, redwood (tons of it), thatch, coal, fiber, hide, rubies, jade stones, emeralds, black pearls, white pearls, sapphire, bamboo shoots, and aloe. They're also known to make great profit from their medicines. Having a ton of herbs and plants medicine is very easy to make with all their supply.

Notable Geography:

Redwood Forest

Xeo Dynasty is known for many geographical features such as its gigantic redwood forests surrounding the kingdom, it's the first forest one encounters when approaching the beach, the trees there are thick and tall and the toughest type of wood they can reach heights of 300 feet and more 300 being the average height most of them reach 116-130 meters however there is one tree that the kingdom cherishes and protects. This tree is known as the scarlet tree of paradise, this is the largest redwood tree reaching a whopping 1,000 meters in height being the tallest tree in the kingdom and most likely the tallest tree in the world the craziest part is it is still growing, it is believed to give life to other redwood trees and it continues to grow new ones explaining the huge numbers of redwood trees. This forest is home to the majority of the Xeo Dynasty fauna and it's also home to various groups of people who've built tree platforms having bridges connected to one another so they don't have to be on land worrying about various predators.

Bamboo Jungle

Their next geographical location is after finishing passing through the redwood forest is a bamboo jungle this area has tons of bamboo and very easy to get lost in due to the green sight in the air, this is where the majority of lakes and larger bodies of water are located while the rivers and small ponds are in the redwood forest, here there are few homes each with paths to one another so they cannot get lost, here is also where the majority of herbs are found usually ones for culinary purposes and medicinal use there isn't as much predation here as the redwood forest but there is a large variety of herbivores that call it home.


Here is where the drought of life appears, in the caves there is few animals found due to the odd formation of rocks and crystals this not mean it is empty there are still creatures that inhabit the caverns usually pose a threat to miners the crystals here also glow various colors and the large mushrooms also glow it's also the only place mushrooms, crystal, obsidian, and gold can be found however there is one cave in particular which is full of gold and gold alone besides the obvious stone around it. These caves are usually only found in the redwood forest or the bamboo jungle.

Cherry Blossom Woods

These woods are now scattered in between the kingdom many plant them near their homes as an aesthetic appeal and there are very few oak trees in the kingdom so the majority is cherry blossom trees. It's not really a wood but more part of the kingdom is very common, however there are larger cherry blossom trees that are used as tree houses for apartments.


Xeo City:The capital of the kingdom this is where the emperor's palace is located, it's the biggest city in the kingdom and has the largest population. It is also located in the northern part of the kingdom which is near the scarlet tree paradise securing its stability in case one was to try and approach it. The reason it is so sacred and guarded is because it gives life to the redwood forests. This city has tons of diversity and activity.

Crosswood:This is more of a village and it is located in the redwood forest, there are multiple of these villages throughout different areas of the redwood forest, they are not on land but rather on tree platforms connecting bridges to each tree to avoid the predation on the ground however even up in the trees there can still be danger. This contains lots of tames and lumber work.

Siam:This is a small city located in the bamboo jungle, it is small and known for its large farms and bamboo products, its main population believe it or not are kitsunes though they also share the jungle with other races. There is also lots of fishing due to the abundance in the many bodies of water.

Those are the major areas however there will be more added in the future and it does not include the small or singular homes in different regions, just the ones with multiple.

Island Placeholder

Owned by @everyond? @noone?